Home Medicinal Plants Matcha tea: what is it for and how to drink it

Matcha tea: what is it for and how to drink it


Matcha tea is made from the youngest leaves of green tea and therefore has more concentrated properties, being rich in antioxidants and having a strong thermogenic effect, favoring the burning of calories and helping with weight loss. In addition, this tea is also excellent for improving mental concentration.

In addition to tea, matcha can also be consumed as an ingredient in recipes for cakes, breads and juices, and is easy to use in your daily diet. The recommended daily consumption is 2 to 3 teaspoons of matcha powder per day, which is equivalent to 2 or 3 cups of ready tea.

Benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha tea is richer in antioxidants than green tea, and has benefits such as:

  1. Increase metabolism, favoring weight loss; Prevent diseases such as flu, colds and cancer; Prevent premature aging; Control blood pressure; Improve mood and concentration.

A good tip to increase the fat burning effect of matcha tea is to drink a cup after exercise, as this will keep your metabolism active for longer, increasing weight loss.

How to prepare tea

Matcha is sold in powder form and has a frothy appearance after being prepared, being slightly bitter. The following is how to prepare the tea.


  • 1 teaspoon of Matcha60-100 ml of filtered or bottled water

Preparation: Heat the water until the first boiling bubbles start, turn off the heat and wait to cool down a little. Place in a cup with powdered matcha, mixing until the powder is completely dissolved. To make the flavor of the tea lighter, you can add more water until it is about 200 ml.

It is also possible to add cinnamon or ginger zest to the tea to soften the flavor and enhance the tea's anti-inflammatory properties.

Tropical juice with matcha

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Another practical recipe rich in antioxidants is tropical juice with matcha:


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the milk, sugar, salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Preparation: Beat all the ingredients in a blender and serve ice cream, preferably without sweetening.

If you want to lose weight, see other teas that lose weight and help your diet.

Matcha tea: what is it for and how to drink it