Home Medicinal Plants How marijuana affects the brain and other organs in the body

How marijuana affects the brain and other organs in the body


Marijuana, also known as cannabis or marijuana , is a type of hallucinogenic drug that causes sensations considered pleasant at the time of use, such as relaxation, heightened senses, euphoria and changes in the level of consciousness.

However, these effects happen at the expense of changes in the performance of various brain functions, interfering with thinking, attention, concentration, memory, feelings, motor coordination and intellectual capacity, for example.

In addition, it has been observed that the continued use of marijuana can also cause negative effects on other organs of the body, many of them lasting, even after discontinuing use.

1. Effects on the brain

The active ingredient in marijuana, called tetrahydro-cannabidiol , binds to brain receptors causing interference with its functioning. The main side effects of its chronic use include:

  • Learning and memory difficulties; Apathy; Loss of motivation and productivity; Headache; Irritability; decreased motor coordination; Alteration of visual ability.

In addition, emotional and psychiatric effects can also be caused, such as increased chances of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, suicide attempts and development of schizophrenia.

2. Effects on the digestive system

The use of marijuana causes changes in the regulation of digestion, causing nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, which can worsen with frequent use.

3. Effects on the respiratory system

At the time of use, marijuana can have a bronchial dilating effect, by relaxing your muscles. However, the smoke inhaled into the lungs contains irritating substances that can cause intense inflammation in the respiratory system. Some of the consequences are:

  • Nasal congestion; Worsening asthma; Bronchitis; Frequent respiratory infections.

Marijuana users have coughing and clearing as much as cigarette smokers, and there are indications that may also increase the risk of developing emphysema or lung cancer.

4. Effects on the cardiovascular system

Marijuana use causes changes in heartbeat and blood pressure, which are often transient. However, there is evidence that the chronic use of this drug increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure.

5. Effects on the reproductive system

Marijuana use increases the chances of infertility, both female and male, for the following reasons:

  • Reduces testosterone levels; Decreased libido; Production of defective sperm that cannot reach the egg; Affects the ability of the embryo to implant in the uterus; Changes in the menstrual cycle.

This is probably because the reproductive organs have a high concentration of receptors for the active ingredient in marijuana, which causes interference in its functioning with chronic and excessive use of the drug.

These side effects usually arise when the plant is used improperly, without the doctor's guidance and in exaggerated amounts, and not in the form of medicines. Find out more about when marijuana can be used as a Medicinal Plant in Medical Marijuana.

A remedy that is made from marijuana is Cannabidiol, a medication that has the therapeutic properties of marijuana, but that does not have the addictive effect on the organism that the plant has.

In Brazil, it is not possible to buy drugs made from marijuana, due to the lack of approval by Anvisa, however these can be purchased in other countries that approve their use, such as the United States, Canada, Uruguay and Israel.

How marijuana affects the brain and other organs in the body