Home Medicinal Plants Discover all the benefits of cabbage

Discover all the benefits of cabbage


Cabbage is rich in iron and chlorophyll and, therefore, is a great option to treat anemia, decrease fluid retention and prevent the absorption of chemical substances from food, thus helping in the detoxification of the body.

This vegetable is also rich in folic acid, an essential vitamin for pregnancy, as it helps in the development of the babies' marrow during pregnancy. Cabbage has several benefits for the body, such as:

  • Very nutritious, as it has vitamin A and folic acid in its composition; Poor in calories, being an excellent option to add to the diet; Rich in potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure; Rich in fiber, which helps to regulate the intestine and cholesterol control; Excellent source of calcium, which strengthens and gives structure to bones and teeth.

For those who are intending to lose weight, this is a great food to integrate in the diet, as it has few calories, is rich in fiber and difficult to digest, which helps to regulate the intestine and decrease appetite.

Nutritional table

The best way to get all the benefits of cabbage is fresh in juices or in the form cooked in water, in soup or sautéed with butter or olive oil. See the nutritional information of raw and braised kale:

Kale nutritional values: Raw kale Braised cabbage
Energy 27 calories 90 calories
Proteins 2.9 g 1.7 g
Fats 0.5 g 6.6 g
Carbohydrates 4.3 g 8.7 g
Food fibers 3.1 g 5.7 g
Calcium 131 mg

177 mg

Iron 0.5 mg 0.5 mg
Folic acid 78 mcg 38 mcg
Sodium 6 mg 11 mg
Potassium 403 mg 315 mg
Magnesium 35 mg 26 mg
Vitamin C 96.7 mg 76.9 mg

These amounts are per 100 grams of cabbage and the braised cabbage was prepared with oil, onion and minced garlic. See also all the benefits of spinach, which prevents diseases such as anemia and cancer.

Kale Recipes

1. Cabbage juice with orange

The raw cabbage and orange juice is an excellent option to detoxify the body, improving the functioning of the intestine. To prepare this juice it is necessary:


  • 1 glass of squeezed orange juice; 3 kale leaves.

Method of preparation

Wash the cabbage leaves well and put in a blender, along with the orange juice. Then you just need to beat the juice well and if necessary you can add water or a little honey to sweeten it.

Another excellent juice that can be prepared with kale is kale juice with lemon and sugar. See how to prepare this juice to rejuvenate.

2. Cabbage soup

Cabbage, when combined with the right ingredients, can be used to prepare an excellent detox soup, which will help you lose weight, control high blood pressure and prevent constipation. To prepare a delicious soup with cabbage you need:


  • 1 cabbage; 2 tomatoes; 1 leek; 1 pepper; parsley; celery; 1 zucchini with peel; 1 onion; 1 chayote.

Method of preparation

To prepare this soup, just wash and chop all the ingredients and add to a pan with boiling water. Food should be cooked over a very low heat to make the soup more nutritious.

If the person doesn't like or has difficulty eating soup without potatoes, you can try adding 2 apples cut into pieces to the soup, which besides giving a great flavor, will also provide consistency. See the step by step to prepare this delicious soup, watching the video of our nutritionist:

Discover all the benefits of cabbage