Home Bulls Consumption of carbohydrate foods can cause insomnia

Consumption of carbohydrate foods can cause insomnia


Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University in the United States of America conducted a study in which it was found that excessive consumption of foods with carbohydrates is associated with greater chances of postmenopausal women having insomnia.

When these types of food are digested, they turn into glucose, also called sugar, in the blood and cause a very high increase in insulin, the hormone responsible for reducing glucose levels in the bloodstream. Thus, the researchers concluded that the rapid elevation of glucose and, consequently, of insulin causes changes in the body, such as the increase of substances such as adrenaline and cortisol, which impair the quality of sleep.

How the study was done

Columbia University researchers applied a questionnaire to assess the severity of insomnia and another to check the glucose level of foods consumed by 53, 069 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 years, in 40 health centers in 24 states. United States of America, from September 1994 to December 1998.

Then, after applying the questionnaires, scholars calculated the average glycemic index of the foods and beverages consumed by women and compared them with the reported insomnia levels, and from there the relationship between eating carbohydrate-rich foods and the occurrence of insomnia was verified.

What has been proven

After analyzing the questionnaires, the researchers found that consuming foods such as white bread, soft drinks, cakes, chocolates and ice cream, for example, can trigger insomnia problems in postmenopausal women.

These scholars concluded that eating foods with a high glycemic index, that is, with a lot of sugar, causes a very high elevation of insulin to occur and this can lead to the release of substances such as adrenaline and cortisol, which make the body faster and cause stress, thus impairing sleep quality. The researchers also warned of previous studies, in which it was already known that sugar consumption can contribute to intestinal dysbiosis, which generates an imbalance in the gut microbiota, affecting several aspects related to sleep.

In addition, the results of this research also showed that carbohydrate intake affects concentrations of tryptophan, which is an important substance for the formation of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and its function is to regulate a person's sleep cycle, so if they are in too low an amount it can lead to the onset of insomnia. See more for what melatonin is for.

What can be done

The study revealed that eating fiber-based, low-sugar foods and eating a low-carb diet can serve as treatment and preventive measures for insomnia in postmenopausal women. This shows that eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables instead of carbohydrates can improve symptoms of insomnia.

It is worth mentioning that the research was done with postmenopausal women, and the researchers believe that these conclusions can be extended to people of the male sex and other ages, however, it is necessary to carry out further studies to examine the relationship of carbohydrates and insomnia in other populations.

Check out more about how the Low carb diet works with reduced carbohydrate consumption:

Consumption of carbohydrate foods can cause insomnia