Home Bulls Depression: symptoms of the 8 types

Depression: symptoms of the 8 types


Depression can be classified according to its cause and duration, as well as the symptoms that the patient presents. Thus, there are 8 types of depression according to DSM-V, which include:

  1. Disruptive mood disorder: characterized by frequent temperamental outbursts and irritable and angry mood; Major depression: has 5 characteristic symptoms of depression, such as depressed mood, for more than 2 weeks, which compromise daily activities; Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia): the main symptom is depressed mood most of the day, as well as other typical symptoms of depression, for more than 2 years; Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: presence of at least 5 of the common symptoms of depression, such as emotional lability during the menstrual cycle, worsening in the week before menstruation; Substance / medication - induced depressive disorder: characterized by the presence of symptoms typical of depression but which are caused by the ingestion, injection or inhalation of substances, for example, drugs; Depressive disorder due to another medical condition: it is characterized by the presence of a persistent depressive mood and the doctor also determines the presence of another medical condition, which causes the depressed mood; Depressive disorder with another specification: the main symptom is depressed mood, but it has this designation because it is a recurrent brief depression. That is, the person has a short-term depressive episode (4-13 days) or the depressive episode does not have enough symptoms; Unspecified depressive disorder: depressive symptoms that cause discomfort predominate, but no other symptoms appear that allow the doctor to frame the person in another depressive disorder.

People with depression usually experience symptoms such as constant sadness, guilt, loss of energy, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, poor appetite and suicide attempts. These symptoms last for long periods of time.

What to do if you suspect depression

In the presence of any of the characteristic symptoms of depression, one should consult the psychiatrist who will indicate the best treatment. Depression is a psychological disorder that requires treatment, choosing not to treat and thinking that depression will heal on its own is a common mistake, which can aggravate symptoms and seriously compromise a person's quality of life.

The treatment to get out of depression varies according to the type of depression that appears, but it can usually be done with the use of antidepressant, anxiolytic, psychotic remedies and psychotherapy with a psychologist.

The most suitable doctor in case of depression is the psychiatrist who will indicate the treatment options, depending on the age and the general state of health that the person presents, since the medications have interactions that must be respected. To help with treatment it is important that the doctor determines the specifiers that are causing the depression, for example, if it started after delivery, or if it has a seasonal pattern. This determination is important to design the best treatment plan.

How long does it take to get out of depression

In the case of depression confirmed by the doctor, the minimum treatment time is 6 months, and the family context is one of the important factors for the success of the treatment. The cause that led to the development of depression must be discovered and resolved, but certain people may need psychotherapeutic support to find the solutions they need to move forward and get out of depression.

Tips to get out of depression faster

A good strategy to get out of depression is to find the source of pain and fear, which are leading to the permanence of depressive symptoms, such as lack of energy, lack of interest in life and feeling of weakness and incapacity. For this, the psychiatrist or psychologist can use different strategies for the person to find the answers he needs. Some tips that can help are:

  • Eat green banana biomass daily because it boosts the immune system and even helps you lose weight; exposing yourself to the sun for at least 20 minutes every day because it promotes well-being; walking daily for about 20 minutes, because this improves blood circulation and releases oxytocin into the blood; do not eat processed foods that produce toxins that accumulate in the body and increase weight, impairing self-esteem; leaving home every day to distract the mind and change a little environment; Practice good deeds regularly, because that way the person can perceive that he / she is capable of doing good for someone, finding some purpose in his / her life; This is an excellent strategy for those who have no one to talk to in person.

See what else you can eat to improve your mood and feel better in your daily life, in this video by nutritionist Tatiana Zanin:

Depression: symptoms of the 8 types