Home Pregnancy Baby development

Baby development


The development of the baby at 20 weeks of gestation marks the beginning of the 5th month of pregnancy and at this stage fetal movements are more easily perceived, including by others.

Usually until 20 weeks of gestation, the pregnant woman has gained about 6 kg and the belly is already starting to get bigger and more visible, but now the baby's growth will be slower.

Fetal development at 20 weeks

As for the development of the baby at 20 weeks of gestation, its skin is expected to be light red and some hair may appear on the head. Some internal organs are developing rapidly, but the lungs are still immature and the eyelids are still fused and therefore cannot open the eyes.

Arms and legs are already more developed and you can see a thin eyebrow, through the morphological ultrasound exam that should be done, ideally, between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation. Learn all about morphological ultrasound here.

The kidneys already produce about 10 ml of urine per day, and brain development is now related to the senses of taste, smell, hearing, sight and touch. Now the heartbeat is stronger and can be heard with a stethoscope placed on the uterus. The baby's nervous system is more developed and he is able to coordinate small movements with his hands, he is able to grab the umbilical cord, roll over and turn inside the belly.

Fetus photos

Fetus size

The size of the 20-week-old fetus is about 22 cm long and it weighs around 190 grams.

Changes in women

The changes in women at 20 weeks of pregnancy are marked by the size of the belly and the discomfort that it begins to bring. An increase in urinary frequency is normal, heartburn may reoccur and the navel may become more prominent, but it should return to normal after delivery.

Regular exercise like walking or swimming is important to reduce pregnancy discomforts such as back pain, constipation, fatigue and swelling in the legs.

With the growth of the belly you may start to feel itchy, which favors the installation of stretch marks, so you can start using moisturizing cream to prevent stretch marks, applying every day, especially after bathing. But for better results you should also drink more water and keep your skin well hydrated, if necessary, you should apply creams or oils more than once a day. See more tips to avoid stretch marks in pregnancy.

Freckles and other dark marks on the skin can start to get darker, as well as the nipples, the genital area and the region near the navel. Normally the tone returns to normal after the baby is born, this being a common change in pregnant women.

Increased breast sensitivity can also begin now that the belly is already more prominent, this is due to the increase in the breasts and the lactiferous channels that are preparing for the breastfeeding phase.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Baby development