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Baby development


The fetus at 32 weeks of gestation, which corresponds to 8 months of pregnancy, moves a lot because it still has some space in the uterus, but as it grows, this space decreases and the mother will begin to perceive the baby's movements less.

At 32 weeks of gestation, the fetus' eyes remain open, moving in the direction of light, when awake, also managing to blink. In this period, the ears are the main connection of the fetus with the outside world, being able to hear several sounds.

Development of the fetus at 32 weeks

The fetus at 32 weeks of gestation can hear distinct sounds and not just vibrations and the growth of the brain is very noticeable during this period. In addition, the bones continue to get harder, except for the skull. At this stage, the nails have grown enough to reach the fingertips.

The amniotic fluid swallowed by the baby passes through the stomach and intestines, and the residues of this digestion are gradually being stored in the baby's colon forming the meconium, which will be the baby's first feces.

At 32 weeks, the baby has more finely tuned hearing, a defined hair color, the heart beats approximately 150 times a minute and when he is awake his eyes are open, they move in the direction of the light and they can blink.

Although the baby has a better chance of surviving outside the womb, he cannot yet be born, as he is very skinny and still needs to continue developing.

Size and photos of the fetus at 32 weeks gestation

The size of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation is approximately 41 centimeters measured from the head to the heel and its weight is about 1, 100 kg.

Changes in the 32-week pregnant woman

The changes in the woman at 32 weeks of pregnancy include an enlarged navel that can be noticed even through clothes, and swelling of the legs and feet, especially at the end of the day.

To prevent swelling, you should avoid excess salt, put your feet up whenever possible, avoid tight clothes and shoes, drink about 2 liters of water a day and do physical activity such as walking or yoga, to avoid excessive weight gain.

From these weeks of pregnancy, shortness of breath may occur with greater intensity, as the uterus now presses the lungs. In addition, there may also be a dark line from the navel to the intimate region, which is caused by hormonal changes. However, this line should become clearer and clearer until it disappears, usually in the first months after delivery.

In addition, colic may start to become more and more frequent, but they are a kind of training for labor.

Raspberry leaf tea can be taken from 32 weeks of gestation to help tone the muscles of the uterus, facilitating labor. Learn how to prepare this home remedy.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from 1st to 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from 14th to 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from 28th to 41st week)
Baby development