Home Pregnancy Baby development

Baby development


The baby's development at 36 weeks of gestation, which is 8 months pregnant, is practically complete, but he will still be considered premature if he is born this week.

Although most babies are already turned upside down, some can reach 36 weeks of gestation, and still be seated. In this case, if labor begins and the drink remains seated, the doctor may try to turn the baby over or suggest a caesarean. However the mother can help the baby to turn, see: 3 exercises to help the baby turn upside down.

At the end of pregnancy, the mother should also start preparing for breastfeeding, see the step by step at: How to prepare the breast to breastfeed.

Fetal development

Regarding the development of the fetus at 36 weeks of gestation, it has smoother skin and already has enough fat deposited under the skin to allow temperature regulation after delivery. There may still be some vernix, the cheeks are more plump and the fluff is gradually disappearing.

The baby must have the head covered with hair, and the eyebrows and lashes are fully formed. The muscles are getting stronger and stronger, they have reactions, memory and brain cells continue to develop.

The lungs are still forming, and the baby produces about 600 ml of urine that is released into the amniotic fluid. When the baby is awake, his eyes remain open, he reacts to light and bites normally, but despite this, he spends most of his time sleeping.

The birth of the baby is near and now it is time to think about breastfeeding because the only source of food in the first 6 months of life must be milk. Breast milk is the most recommended, but in the impossibility of offering this, there are formulas of artificial milk. Feeding at this stage is a very important factor for you and the baby.

Fetus size at 36 weeks

The size of the fetus at 36 weeks of gestation is approximately 47 centimeters from the head to the heel and its weight is about 2.8 kg.

Photos of the fetus at 36 weeks

Changes in women

The woman must have gained a lot of weight by now and back pain can be more and more common.

At the eighth month of pregnancy, breathing is easier, as the baby is fitting for birth, but on the other hand the frequency of urination increases, so the pregnant woman starts to urinate more frequently. Fetal movements may be less noticeable because there is less space available, but you should still feel the baby move at least 10 times a day.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Baby development