Home Pregnancy Baby development

Baby development


The development of the fetus at 8 weeks of gestation, which is 2 months of pregnancy, is usually marked by the discovery of pregnancy and the onset of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning.

As for the development of the fetus at 8 weeks of gestation, it already shows the beginning of the formation of the arms and legs, as well as the facial characteristics, the eyes are still quite separated, but the eyelids are still fused, not allowing him to open his eyes.

The hands are closer and it is possible for the fetus to place the hands over the heart. The legs and feet are growing and are starting to position themselves further in front of the body, while the little syrup that the baby had is gradually disappearing.

The heart of the fetus should already be separated into 4 separate chambers and beating about 150 times a minute and it is now possible to identify the nose and upper lip.

This week the doctor will be able to perform an ultrasound scan to confirm whether the baby is actually in the womb, and whether they are twins or not. However, it is still not possible to find out if the fetus is a boy or a girl by ultrasound, but there is a blood test that already allows to know the sex of the baby from this week.

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Fetus size at 8 weeks gestation

The size of the baby at 8 weeks of gestation is about 13 millimeters.

Changes in women

At this stage of pregnancy it is natural for the pregnant woman to feel tired, feel sick and nausea especially in the morning. The clothes start to tighten around the waist and around the breasts, it is important to use a bra with adequate support and without rims so as not to hurt the breast.

Anemia is also common in this stage of pregnancy, which usually occurs from the end of the first month to the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, and the blood supply increases by about 50%, so the need for iron doubles during this period, It is common to indicate the use of iron supplements by the obstetrician who accompanies the pregnancy.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from 1st to 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from 14th to 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from 28th to 41st week)
Baby development