Home Pregnancy Does fainting during pregnancy hurt the baby?

Does fainting during pregnancy hurt the baby?


If you are feeling faint or have passed out during pregnancy you should try to relate what happened moments before to try to identify the cause so that it can be removed. Usually the woman wakes up in a few moments and there is little reason to worry, but it is important to tell the doctor what happened so that he can investigate the cause.

Fainting during pregnancy usually occurs when the pressure is too low or there is hypoglycemia because the woman has been without food for more than 3 hours. But the pregnant woman may also faint or feel faint when she gets up very quickly or in case of severe pain, convulsions, anemia, alcohol or medication use, excessive physical activity or in case of cardiovascular or neurological problems.

What to do in case of fainting during pregnancy

If you are feeling faint try sitting with your head tilted forward or lying on your side, breathing slowly and deeply as this improves the feeling of weakness and fainting.

Although fainting itself is a passing thing, falling can cause great discomfort and can even harm the baby. So, if you are feeling weak and faint, ask for help from those nearby to help you, to avoid falling to the ground.

Fainting is normal and more common in early pregnancy because that is when the placenta is being formed and the woman's body has not yet been able to produce all the blood that her body, placenta and baby need. However, this should not be a sensation that happens on a daily basis, so if so, talk to your doctor.

How to avoid low blood pressure in pregnancy

It is recommended to adopt some simple but important strategies, such as:

  • Avoid sitting or lying down for a long time; Avoid sudden changes of position such as getting up too fast; Do not stay more than 3 without eating anything; Avoid very hot or stuffy places, with little air circulation; If you feel weak, lie down with the legs elevated to facilitate the arrival of blood to the brain, avoiding fainting.

When the woman recovers from fainting she can drink juice or yogurt to increase blood pressure and feel better.

Does fainting during pregnancy hurt the baby?