Home Home-Remedies The best ways to eliminate purple skin marks

The best ways to eliminate purple skin marks


The bruises, popularly known as purple marks, happen because of the accumulation of blood on the skin, which can be caused by a fall, bumping into some furniture or even after a "hickey". These marks are purple at the first moment and as it heals it becomes yellow, greenish or brown, in the case of bruises on the nails, due to injuries that lead to the leakage of a small amount of blood in the region.

Usually the bruises gradually disappear without needing treatment, but they can be painful and do not make a good impression, so gently massaging the area with an anti-inflammatory ointment, such as arnica, is a good option to help eliminate the hematoma more quickly.

However, there are other simple ways to eliminate this type of purple spot, which can be:

1. Apply ice

This is a very simple and quick way to remove bruises from the skin and consists of passing a small piece of ice over the bruise as soon as it appears. The ice will decrease blood flow to the site, decreasing the hematoma. Learn more about other situations to apply cold compress.

The ice pebble must be applied in a circular motion. If the cold causes pain, it is best to wrap it in a clean, thin cloth, such as a diaper or dish towel, for example. The ice must be passed over the region for 3 to 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour before repeating the procedure.

2. Use warm compress

To remove bruises that are more than 24 hours old, you can apply warm water compresses, as they increase the local blood circulation and help to remove the formed clots. To do this, you must soak a cloth in warm water and then apply over the site, allowing it to act for approximately 20 minutes. After 1 hour, the procedure can be repeated.

There are also bags and compresses that can be placed in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, which can be placed directly on the skin and are found in pharmacies and markets easily.

3. Ironing ointments

In addition to the arnica ointment, ointments based on sodium heparin, such as Trombofob or Traumeel, are great options to remove the accumulation of blood from the skin, whether from the arms, legs or other parts of the body, fighting the symptoms quickly. Another ointment widely used to remove purple marks from the skin is Hirudoid, easily found in pharmacies.

Homemade ointment options can also be applied, such as natural aloe and alnica gel, as both have anti-inflammatory and healing effects, and therefore help to eliminate purple skin marks. Learn more about using arnica.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to seek medical help when the person has:

  • Purple marks on the skin easily, by hitting anywhere, such as the corner of the table, for example; Various purple marks on the body that do not hurt; When the purple marks can be observed, but the person does not even remember how they appeared; if the bruise appears and disappears overnight.

In addition, if the hematoma causes severe pain or if there is another sign of a change in circulation at the site, such as swelling of the limb or severe redness, you should also go to the hospital to detect other more serious problems such as thrombosis, for example.

Main causes

The main causes of hematomas on the skin are related to injuries such as blows directly on the affected region, as can happen in sports, due to a fall or accidents involving heavy objects or automobiles, for example.

However, a hematoma can also arise after any reason that causes blood leakage, such as an injection, for blood withdrawal when performing tests, after using suction cups for some alternative therapies, being very common, after aesthetic procedures such as liposuction and cryolipolysis.

Usually these bruises are not serious and disappear on their own, but the use of ice in the first 24 hours and then using warm compresses can help to eliminate them more quickly.

In addition, hematomas can also arise as a result of a clotting disease, so depending on their extent and severity, medical help should be sought, as it may indicate severe bleeding.

The best ways to eliminate purple skin marks