Home Pregnancy Know what pregnant women can take for headache

Know what pregnant women can take for headache


The headache in pregnancy usually appears in the first trimester of pregnancy, and can occur due to several causes, such as hormonal changes, tiredness, nasal congestion, low blood sugar levels, stress and hunger. Generally, the headache in pregnancy tends to diminish or disappear because the hormones tend to stabilize.

However, the headache in pregnancy can be high blood pressure if it is constant and appears accompanied by pain in the stomach and blurred vision. In this case, the pregnant woman must immediately go to the obstetrician, as these symptoms may indicate a health problem called pre-eclampsia, which is characterized by high blood pressure and fluid retention, which leads to the swelling of the body and the loss of proteins in the urine. See how to treat this situation in: Treatment for eclampsia.

What to take to relieve headache in pregnancy

The use of medications during pregnancy should only be done under the recommendation of the doctor, as excessive doses or some types of medication may affect the liver or be harmful to the woman or the baby.

Usually the obstetrician indicates the use of some medication when the headaches are very intense, do not pass with natural measures or are accompanied by nausea and vomiting for example, being indicated, in most cases, the use of Paracetamol.

One way to relieve headaches without the need for medication is some teas, such as chamomile tea, which should be consumed only 1 cup a day so that it does not harm the baby's development. The best solution to relieve headache is to put a cold compress on your head and stay in a calm environment. Learn about other home remedy options for headaches in pregnancy.

How to relieve headache in pregnancy

What you can do to relieve headache in pregnancy is:

  • Rest in a quiet environment, without noise and with the lights off; Apply a cold water compress to the neck or forehead; In case of headache due to nasal congestion, apply a warm water compress around the eyes and nose; Eat every 3 hours and in small quantities; Do regular physical activity; Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule; Take a bath in warm or cold water or wash your face with cold water.

Acupuncture and massage are also great solutions to relieve headaches in pregnancy. Know the benefits, necessary care and contraindications of massage during pregnancy.

See also this super simple technique taught by our physiotherapist to relieve headache:

Know what pregnant women can take for headache