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Exercises and tips to define the abdomen at home


To define the abdomen it is important to do aerobic exercises, such as running, and that strengthen the abdominal region, in addition to having a diet rich in fibers and proteins, drinking at least 1.5 L of water. In addition, avoiding stress, doing a massage on the abdomen and adopting a correct posture is also important to keep your stomach firm.

Normally, the defined belly appears when the fat accumulated in the abdomen is eliminated and the muscles are toned and to maintain the results, it is important to continue performing physical activity regularly and following the diet plan according to the nutritionist's guidance.

Exercises to define the abdomen at home

In order to define the abdomen, exercises that strengthen the CORE must be performed, so that the abdominals can become more evident, and in addition to minimize the amount of fat in that region because the abdominal muscles are a small muscle group and are only defined in one belly without fat. Some exercises that can be performed to define the abdomen at home are:

1. Abdominal in V

To do this abdominal, the person must lie with the belly up and raise the legs and the trunk a little, putting the arms forward, performing these two movements at the same time. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions, or as instructed by the instructor, contracting the abdominal muscles well and being careful not to strain the neck.

2. Abdominal with elevated leg

In that abdominal, the person should lie on the floor on their backs, raise their legs stretched or semi-flexed and their torso, keeping their arms forward. This exercise is done in isometry, that is, the person must remain in the same position for about 15 to 30 seconds or according to the instructor's indication, keeping the abdomen contracted during all the time.

3. Cross abdominal

To do this sit-up, also known as sit-up bicycle, the person must position himself as if he were going to do a normal sit-up, place his hands behind the neck, lift his shoulders off the floor, keep the abdomen contracted and make a movement for the right elbow to touch the left knee, alternating the movement with the left elbow towards the right knee. It is important that the abdomen remains contracted throughout the exercise.

4. Abdominal with hip lift on the ball

The abdominal with hip elevation on the ball is also a great exercise, it is necessary for this to lie on the floor, face up, place the soles of your feet in the pilates boil and raise your hips, making this movement slowly according to the recommendation of the instructor.

5. Board with ball

In this exercise, you should put your feet on the ball and support your arms on the floor, as if you were going to make the board. Then, bend your knees, pulling the ball forward, without moving your arms. This exercise is interesting to define the abdomen because it needs the abdominal muscles to be tightly contracted so that the body is stabilized in position and the movement can be performed correctly.

6. Board with 2 supports

To perform this exercise, it is essential that the abdominal muscles are activated so that you can have balance. Initially, the person should stay in the plank position and then remove the opposite arm and legs, that is, raise the right arm and left leg, for example, with only two supports. It is recommended to stay in this position as long as possible or according to the instructor's recommendation.

What to eat

Food is important to maintain health and help define the abdomen, and it is important that it is indicated by the nutritionist so that the nutritional plan is set up according to the person's characteristics and objectives. It is recommended that a balanced and varied diet is made and that helps to burn fat and speed up the metabolism, being indicated for this:

  • Eat at least 5 meals a day, not spending more than 3 hours without eating; Drink at least 1.5 L of water, green tea or artichoke; Eat vegetables or fruit with every meal of the day; Eat a diet rich in fiber, eating flaxseeds, oats and whole foods; Eating antioxidant foods such as tomatoes, oranges or Brazil nuts; Eat foods that speed up metabolism like ginger or cinnamon, for example; Eat protein at every meal, such as eggs, milk, meat and fish; Avoid consumption of fatty, sugary or processed foods, such as crackers, frozen or canned foods.

These foods help to decrease the chance of fluid retention and contribute to the proper functioning of the intestine, decreasing constipation and bloating and leading to a toned belly.

In addition, for the abdomen to be in shape more quickly, gaining muscle mass, protein supplements can be taken, however it must be recommended by the nutritionist, as it is necessary to check the protein requirement and the person's characteristics, if possible indicate the most appropriate. Know some supplements to gain muscle mass.

Tips to set your abs

Some great tips to define the abdomen are to follow a hypocaloric diet guided by a nutritionist, in addition to practicing aerobic exercises, such as running, to increase caloric expenditure and promote the burning of belly fat. But in order to have a "six pack" belly it is essential to do abdominal exercises in different ways, several times a week and also to eat foods rich in proteins because this favors muscle hypertrophy.

In addition, martial arts are also an excellent option for those who want to define the abdomen, shape the body and increase endurance and physical strength. Learn more about the martial arts.

Adopting a good posture is also very important in order to lose belly because, when the spine, hips and shoulders are well aligned, the abdominal muscles are better able to keep the organs properly positioned and not anteriorized as it happens when there is poor posture.

Exercises and tips to define the abdomen at home