Home Home-Remedies 5 Home Remedies for Pain Relief

5 Home Remedies for Pain Relief


Lavender essential oil, garlic oil or clove essential oil, are some natural options that can be used to relieve headache, toothache or earache, for example.

Depending on the type of pain experienced, there are several home remedies that can be used, so here are some of our suggestions:

1. Lavender Oil for Headache

Headaches can have several causes, such as changes in diet, muscle tension, lack of hydration or excessive stress, and therefore it can arise when you least expect it.

An excellent natural way to relieve headaches is through aromatherapy using lavender essential oil, which helps to soothe headaches caused by stress and muscle tension. Learn more at What Lavender Flowers Are For. Another essential oil that can be used in this treatment is Rosemary oil, which also serves to relieve headaches and migraines.

In addition, self-massage on the temples, neck and scalp are also great options for relieving headache without using medication, to do this just do as indicated in this video by our physiotherapist:

2. Clove Oil for Toothache

Toothache should always be treated at the dentist to avoid future complications, however while waiting for the consultation, Clove essential oil is an excellent option to relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, simply drip 2 drops of oil directly onto the affected tooth, or onto a cotton pad that must then be placed over the tooth.

This oil has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties, which help to reduce the development of microorganisms and reduce pain and inflammation.

In addition, you can also treat pain using ice, in which case it is recommended to place the ice on the painful area of ​​the cheek for 15 minutes, repeating this process 3 to 4 times a day.

3. Hot water for back pain

Back pain can be caused by poor posture, contractures or tiredness caused by sleeping a few hours, and this can be relieved by using a hot water bottle.

To do this, just lie down and place a hot water bottle in the painful area for 20 minutes, in order to relax the muscles and increase local blood circulation.

After that time, it is recommended to perform some simple stretches, in order to stretch the muscles and reduce discomfort. See some stretching exercises you can do in 6 back pain stretching exercises.

See other tips to relieve back pain by watching this video from our physiotherapist:

4. Garlic oil for ear pain

When earache is caused by the accumulation of secretions after a cold or flu, it is possible that there is a small infection, so a home remedy prepared with olive oil and garlic may be the solution. To do this, you need to prepare garlic oil, as follows:

  • Crush the head of a fresh garlic and place in a pan, then cover with olive oil; Leave on the stove for 1 hour, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool; Then strain the mixture using a cloth coffee strainer or a paper filter and set aside in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

To use garlic oil it is recommended to heat a small amount in a metal spoon, then placing 2 or 3 drops on a small piece of cotton. Finally, squeeze the excess and place the cotton ball in the ear, leaving it to act for 30 to 60 minutes.

5. Chamomile tea for sore throat

Sore throat often comes during a cold or flu and is often accompanied by hoarseness, discomfort and irritation. To relieve sore throat, using chamomile tea to gargle is a great option, as chamomile is a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

To do this, simply prepare a chamomile tea by adding 2 to 3 teaspoons of dried Chamomile flowers in a cup of boiling water, allowing to stand for 5 to 10 minutes. After that time, the tea should be strained and used to gargle several times a day.

In addition, honey with propolis is another great option to relieve sore throat, since this mixture has healing, antibacterial properties that help in the regeneration of tissues.

5 Home Remedies for Pain Relief