Home Home-Remedies Bottled to get pregnant: does it really work?

Bottled to get pregnant: does it really work?


The bottle is a mixture of various medicinal herbs that is popularly prepared to help women balance their hormonal cycle and increase their chances of becoming pregnant. For this reason, this type of popular medication is widely used by women who wish to become pregnant, but who, for some reason, have some difficulty.

The bottle to get pregnant was created in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil over several decades, through ancestral knowledge of some plants, as well as several cases of success and failure. Thus, depending on the region and the person preparing the bottle, its ingredients can vary widely, but they usually contain plants that appear to increase blood circulation, regulate hormone production and strengthen the muscles of the uterus.

However, as there is no scientific proof of its benefits and the risks have not been studied either, the bottle is discouraged, and a gynecologist or an endocrinologist should be consulted to identify what is causing the difficulty to get pregnant and start the most appropriate treatment. However, if a more natural treatment is desired, one should consult a herbalist to evaluate the available and proven options.

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Does the bottle really work?

There are several cases of women who report having become pregnant after taking the bottle, however, there are no scientific studies that prove their effectiveness or that can indicate the health risks of these herbal mixtures.

Thus, and since medicinal herbs are not harmless, as they contain several active substances that can affect the functioning of the organism, the bottles must be avoided until there is scientific proof that they can work.

In addition, the mixtures of the various bottles vary widely from one region to another, and it is not possible to study a single formula and release all the others, under the risk of seriously affecting health.

Possible health risks

There are no scientific studies that have made an analysis of the bottles and their effects on the body, however, according to the plants present in most of them there is the possibility of complications such as:

  • Bleeding; Increased blood pressure; Deregulation of blood sugar levels; Intoxication; Abortion; Malformations in the fetus.

In addition, the combination of several plants can also intensify several side effects of a single plant, as well as cause interaction with other medications you are taking.

Bottled to get pregnant: does it really work?