Home Home-Remedies Ginger for menstrual pain

Ginger for menstrual pain


Ginger for menstrual pain is a good solution, as it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that decrease pain, very present before or during menstruation.

Menstrual pain is caused by the contraction of the uterus to expel the contents of the endometrium and can be a persistent nuisance for some women, causing severe pain.

Ginger tea for menstrual pain

Ginger tea for menstrual pain is an option of using this root to help relieve this discomfort.


  • 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1 cup water

Method of preparation

Grate the ginger, mix with the water after boiling and drink about 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.

Taking analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs to combat menstrual pain, such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol, is another option to reduce this discomfort that plagues many women.

Useful links:

Ginger for menstrual pain