Home Symptoms Ginger water slims and improves digestion, see how to do it

Ginger water slims and improves digestion, see how to do it


Taking 1 glass of ginger water on a daily basis and at least another 0.5 L throughout the day helps you lose weight as it speeds up the loss of body fat and especially belly fat.

Ginger is a root that helps you lose weight because it works by detoxifying the body and improving the functioning of the intestine, which helps to speed up metabolism and fight fluid retention.

In addition to ginger, lemon, eggplant, cinnamon or cucumber can be added to the water, as they are ingredients that contribute to potentiate the water's slimming effect and prevent swelling as well.

Ginger water with lemon

How to make

To prepare the water, add 4 to 5 slices or 2 tablespoons of ginger zest in 1 liter of cold water, changing the slices of ginger daily to obtain its benefits.

Ginger Benefits

In addition to helping you lose weight, ginger brings benefits to the body such as:

  • Act as anti-inflammatory; Improve breathing and relieve symptoms of cough and shortness of breath; Prevent nausea and vomiting; Combat heartburn and intestinal gases; Relieve pain caused by arthritis.

In the treatment of joint pain, ginger can be used in the form of tea or in warm compresses applied directly to the affected area.

Recommended amount and contraindications

The recommended amount of ginger is 1 to 2 g per day to obtain its benefits, which are greater when the ginger is used in fresh form instead of powder.

Ginger is contraindicated for people who take drugs to lower high blood pressure and to thin the blood, such as Aspirin, and should only be used in cases of gallstones according to medical advice. In addition, during pregnancy you should not consume more than 2 g of ginger per day.

To increase weight loss, see another strategy for losing belly.

How to enhance the benefits

In addition to ginger, lemon juice, eggplant slices, cucumber slices or cinnamon can be added to the water to improve the taste and get the benefits of these other foods, which also help to clean the intestines and speed up the metabolism. Learn some practical and tasty recipes that can be prepared at home:

1. Ginger with lemon

Lemon enhances the effect of ginger, as it is also able to speed up metabolism, in addition to having few calories and having high concentrations of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, which eliminates impurities, strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the intestine.

  • How to do it: prepare 1 lemon juice, beating the fruit in a blender or squeezing it right into a glass of water. Then add a spoon of grated ginger and mix well.

2. Ginger with mint

In addition to making the drink more refreshing, mint is widely used to improve circulation, as well as relieving stomach problems, headaches and inflammation in the muscles.

  • How to do it: cut 4 to 5 slices of ginger and boil over medium heat until it boils. Then add half a cup of mint, wait for it to cool and strain the formed tea, which can be drunk warm or iced.

3. Ginger with cinnamon

In addition to being tasty and aromatic, cinnamon has several benefits, such as blood sugar control, preventing insulin spikes and hyperglycemia.

  • How to do it: add 1 tablespoon of grated ginger or 5 slices of ginger and 1 cinnamon stick, which can be left to rest or can be brought or fire until it boils. This drink can be taken cold, and drunk throughout the day.

4. Ginger with eggplant

Ginger is an excellent way to help weight loss, as it has a diuretic effect, improving the elimination of toxins, in addition to improving intestinal transit and reducing appetite, due to the high fiber content in its composition.

  • How to do it: add 1 cup of chopped eggplant with the peel and 1 tablespoon of grated ginger in 250 ml of water and beat in a blender, then add lemon zest and drink natural or ice cream.

In these recipes, it is also possible to vary flavors by adding other vegetables, such as cucumber, pineapple, goji berry and chamomile. In addition to the slimming and detoxifying effects, they are a great way to increase the amount of fluids per day, to keep your body hydrated. Check the importance of hydration throughout the day and the amount of water needed.

Ginger water slims and improves digestion, see how to do it