Home Medicinal Plants What is the sacred cascara for and side effects

What is the sacred cascara for and side effects


The sacred cascara is a medicinal plant widely used to treat constipation, due to its laxative effect that promotes the evacuation of feces. Its scientific name is Rhamnus purshiana DC and can be purchased at health food stores and some drugstores.

Cascara extract is metabolized by intestinal bacteria, producing substances that stimulate bowel movement, facilitating evacuation.

What is the Sacred Cascara used for?

Sacred cascara is usually used to fight constipation, but it can also help with weight loss, as it has properties that decrease fat absorption, in addition to potentiating fat digestion, and can also be used to control cholesterol.

This plant has laxative, diuretic, stimulating and tonic properties. Thus, it can be used to combat fluid retention, lose weight, help with constipation, abdominal bloating, unregulated menstrual flow, hemorrhoids, liver problems and dyspepsia.

Contraindications for use

Sacred cascara should not be used by pregnant women, as it can cause abortion, infants, children under 6 years old and by patients who have appendicitis, dehydration, intestinal obstruction, nausea, rectal bleeding, vomiting or abdominal pain.

Side Effects of Sacred Cascara

Despite having many benefits, the use of sacred cascara can lead to the occurrence of some side effects, such as:

  • Tiredness; Abdominal colic; Decreased potassium in the blood; Diarrhea; Lack of appetite; Malabsorption of nutrients; Nausea; Loss of regularity for defecation; Excessive sweating; Dizziness; Vomiting.

To avoid side effects, it is recommended to use the sacred cascara under medical guidance and following the daily doses suggested by the manufacturer, which is usually 50 to 600mg per day divided into 3 daily doses, in the case of the capsule capsule.

Sacred cascara tea

The dry bark of the sacred cascara is used to make teas and infusions.

Preparation: put 25 g of peels in a pan with 1 liter of boiling water, letting it stand for 10 minutes. Drink 1 to 2 cups a day.

See other laxative tea recipes to combat constipation.

What is the sacred cascara for and side effects