Home Symptoms Symptoms and treatment of kidney infection

Symptoms and treatment of kidney infection


Kidney infection or pyelonephritis corresponds to an infection in the urinary tract in which the causative agent manages to reach the kidneys and cause their inflammation, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as renal colic, foul-smelling urine, fever and painful urination.

Kidney infection can be caused by bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (E. Coli) , as well as fungi of the Candida species, and even viruses. Usually, kidney infection is the result of a bladder infection that lasts longer and causes the microorganisms that cause the infection to reach the kidneys, causing inflammation. In the case of chronic kidney infection, in addition to infection by a microorganism, the presence of lesions in the urinary organs or kidney stones can also cause the onset of infection in the kidney.

Kidney infection should be diagnosed and treated as soon as it is discovered, to avoid serious kidney damage or to cause septicemia, in which the micro-organism can reach the bloodstream and go to different parts of the body, causing infection and even leading to the person death. Understand what septicemia is.

Symptoms of kidney infection

The symptoms of kidney infection may appear suddenly and intensely, disappearing after a few days (acute kidney infection), or not showing signs and symptoms, the infection being developed over time and, if left untreated, can progress to renal failure (chronic kidney infection).

The main symptoms of kidney infection are:

  • Cramping pains; Severe back pain; Difficulties when urinating; Willingness to urinate frequently and in small quantities; Pain or burning sensation when urinating; Smelly urine; Fever; Chills; Nausea; Vomiting.

In the presence of any of these symptoms, a urologist or nephrologist should be consulted, who will diagnose the disease by assessing the symptoms. The doctor should also perform a physical examination, such as palpation and precursion in the lower back, and a urine test to check for blood or white blood cells. See how the urine test is done.

Kidney infection of pregnancy

Kidney infection in pregnancy is quite common and is usually the result of a prolonged bladder infection.

In pregnancy, increased levels of hormones, such as progesterone, lead to relaxation of the urinary tract, facilitating the entry of bacteria into the bladder, where they multiply and cause inflammation of the organ. In cases where the infection is not diagnosed or treated effectively, microorganisms continue to multiply and begin to rise in the urinary tract, until they reach the kidneys and cause their inflammation.

The treatment of kidney infection during pregnancy can be done with antibiotics that do not harm the baby. Learn how to cure urinary tract infection in pregnancy.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of kidney infection will depend on the cause of the infection and whether it is acute or chronic. In cases where the infection is caused by bacteria, the treatment consists of the use of antibiotics, for a period that can vary from 10 to 14 days depending on medical advice. Some painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs are also indicated to relieve pain.

The most effective treatment for chronic kidney infections is to eliminate its causes. Some drugs for kidney infection , such as antibiotics, can also be used to treat chronic kidney infection, if there are signs of infection by bacteria.

When treating kidney infection, drinking large amounts of water is important to facilitate the cure of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of kidney infection