Gases in pregnancy are frequent due to decreased bowel movement, caused by high hormonal levels, which can also cause constipation, resulting in much discomfort for the pregnant woman.
Some remedies that can help lower gas in pregnancy are:
- Dimethicone or Simethicone (Luftal, Mylicon, Dulcogas); Activated charcoal (Carverol).
Any type of gas medicine should be used only under the guidance of the obstetrician, so as not to harm the baby.
In addition, to avoid the formation of gas during pregnancy, it is recommended to eat slowly, drink 3 liters of water a day, eat more vegetables, fruits and foods rich in fiber, such as brown bread or cereals and avoid fatty foods, soft drinks or foods high fermentation, such as cabbage, corn and beans, for example. In addition, it is also very important to maintain regular physical exercise.
In case the gases cause a lot of discomfort, the pregnant woman should consult the obstetrician so that he can evaluate the case and guide the best type of treatment.
Home remedies for gas in pregnancy
1. Prune
Prune is a fruit rich in fiber, which can be used during pregnancy to reduce flatulence and treat constipation. To do this, just ingest 1 prune about 30 minutes before the 3 main meals, or put 3 prunes to macerate in a glass of water for about 12h, and then drink the mixture on an empty stomach.
See other strategies you can use to treat constipation naturally.
2. Yogurt vitamin
A great homemade solution that also helps to reduce gas and fight constipation, is the following fruit vitamin:
- 1 package of plain yogurt; 1/2 chopped avocado; 1/2 seedless papaya; 1/2 chopped carrot; 1 flaxseed spoon.
Method of preparation
Beat all ingredients in a blender and then drink. This vitamin can be ingested 2 times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, to end the gases and their annoyances.
Also know which foods should be eliminated from the diet to avoid gases.