Home Bulls How to know your type of conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral or allergic

How to know your type of conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral or allergic


Conjunctivitis is an infection in the conjunctiva of the eyes that causes intense inflammation, resulting in very uncomfortable symptoms, such as redness in the eyes, production of puffiness, itching and burning.

This type of infection can appear in only one eye, but it can also affect both eyes, especially if there are drops that can be carried from one eye to the other.

Since the infection can have several causes, conjunctivitis is divided into three major groups, in order to facilitate the diagnosis and better guide the treatment.

The main types of conjunctivitis include:

1. Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is one that is caused by virus infection and that usually causes milder symptoms, which include only redness, hypersensitivity to light, excessive production of tears and itching.

In addition, as there are very few cases where there is production of remels, viral conjunctivitis tends to affect only one eye. See more details about this type of conjunctivitis and how the treatment is done.

2. Bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis, on the other hand, usually causes more intense symptoms and signs, with excessive production of swabs and slight swelling of the eyelids, in addition to redness of the eyes, hypersensitivity to light, pain and itching.

Due to the production of remelas, bacterial conjunctivitis is more likely to affect both eyes, since it is easier to transport secretions to the other eye. Better understand how to identify bacterial conjunctivitis and how to treat it.

3. Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is the most common type and usually affects both eyes, being caused by substances that cause allergies, such as pollen, animal hair or house dust. It usually affects people susceptible to allergies such as asthma, rhinitis or bronchitis.

This type of conjunctivitis is not transmissible and occurs more frequently in spring and autumn, when there is a lot of pollen spread through the air, and can therefore be treated with an anti-allergic eye drop. Learn more about this type of conjunctivitis and how to treat it.

Other types of conjunctivitis

In addition to the three main types of conjunctivitis, it is also possible to develop a toxic conjunctivitis, which happens when irritation is caused by chemicals, such as hair dye, cleaning products, exposure to cigarette smoke or the use of some types of medication.

In these cases, signs and symptoms, such as watery eyes or redness, usually disappear overnight, only with washing with saline solution, without the need for specific treatment.

How do I know what type of conjunctivitis I have?

The best way to identify the type of conjunctivitis is to consult an ophthalmologist to assess the symptoms, their intensity and to identify the causative agent. Until you know the diagnosis, it is important to prevent contagion by washing your hands frequently and avoiding sharing objects that are in direct contact with your face, such as towels or pillows.

Watch the following video, and better understand the differences between the various types of conjunctivitis:

How to treat conjunctivitis

The treatment of conjunctivitis depends on its cause, and lubricating eye drops such as artificial tears, eye drops or ointments with antibiotics and antihistamines can be prescribed to relieve symptoms. However, during treatment, other measures can also be taken to relieve symptoms, such as:

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight or bright light, whenever possible, wearing sunglasses; Regularly wash your eyes with saline to eliminate secretions; Wash your hands before and after touching your eyes or applying eye drops and ointments; Put cold compresses on closed eyes; Avoid wearing contact lenses; Change bath towels and face towels every time; Avoid exposure to irritating agents such as smoke or dust; Avoid going to swimming pools.

In case the conjunctivitis is infectious, one should avoid sharing makeup, face towels, pillows, soaps or any other object that is in contact with the face. See which remedies can be used to treat each type of conjunctivitis.

How to know your type of conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral or allergic