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Symptoms of rheumatism in the bones


The symptoms of rheumatism in the bones are related to swelling and pain caused by inflammation of the joints, which originate in diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis, for example.

Rheumatism corresponds to the group of various diseases that affects muscles, bones and joints and can affect anyone. Thus, rheumatism in the bones corresponds to diseases that lead to inflammation and pain in the bones and joints. Understand what rheumatism is.

Main symptoms

In general, rheumatism symptoms are more frequent in the knee, hip, neck or foot joints, and include:

  • Joint pain; Joint swelling and redness; Difficulty moving joints, especially when waking up; Pain in the muscles near the joint; Difficulty raising the shoulders to the neck; Difficulty stretching the arms over the head; Generalized tiredness.

Bone rheumatism can occur at any age, being more frequent in people with a family history of rheumatic diseases, such as lupus or gout, for example.

What causes

Rheumatism in the bones is usually associated with aging, due to progressive stiffening of the joints, however it can happen in people of any age and is usually related to ostearticular or autoimmune diseases, such as osteoarthritis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, for example. See what are the main causes of bone pain.

Possible consequences

It is important that the cause of the pain in the bones and joints is quickly identified, otherwise it may limit the movement significantly and lead to complete deterioration of the joint, interfering with the person's quality of life.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to go to the doctor if the symptoms persist for more than 6 months, especially if there is redness, swelling or heat in the area of ​​pain.

To assess the cause of the pain, the doctor may order blood tests, X-rays or MRIs, for example, and then start the appropriate treatment according to the cause. When discovered early, it is possible to control the symptoms of rheumatism well and have a normal life. Know some homemade treatment options for bone rheumatism.

In addition, it is interesting that the person undergoes physical therapy with the aim of strengthening the joints and preventing their deterioration and supplementing with calcium to prevent bone demineralization.

Symptoms of rheumatism in the bones