Home Medicinal Plants Ayahuasca: what it is and its effects (positive and negative) on the body

Ayahuasca: what it is and its effects (positive and negative) on the body


Ayahuasca is a tea, with potential hallucinogen, made from a mixture of Amazonian herbs, which is capable of causing alterations of consciousness for about 10 hours, being, therefore, widely used in various types of Indian religious rituals to open the mind and create mystical visions.

This drink contains some substances known for their hallucinogenic potential, such as DMT, harmaline or harmine, which act on the nervous system, causing states of supernatural consciousness, which leads people to have visions related to their own problems, feelings, fears and experiences.

Because of this effect, some religions and cults use drinking as a cleansing ritual, in which the person opens his mind and has the opportunity to face his problems with greater clarity. In addition, as the mixture causes side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea, it is seen as a complete cleanser, clearing the mind and body.

How are visions

The visions provoked by the consumption of Ayahuasca tea are generally observed with closed eyes and, therefore, they are also known as "miração". In these mirage episodes, the person may have visions of animals, demons, deities and even imagine that he is flying.

For this reason, this tea is often used for mystical purposes and to complete religious rituals, allowing you to enter a subjective realm of contact with the divine.

How it could be used in medicine

Although its use is better known among indigenous tribes and there are few studies done with the drink, the interest in its medicinal use is growing, with more and more studies trying to justify its use for the treatment of some psychiatric problems, such as:

  • Depression: different people claim that, during their experience with Ayahuasca, they were able to see and solve more clearly the problems that underlie the disease. Learn how to identify a depression; Post-traumatic stress syndrome: the hallucinogenic effect allows you to relive the memories that led to the appearance of the syndrome, allowing you to face fears or facilitate the grieving process. See what the symptoms of post-traumatic stress are; Addictions: the use of Ayahuasca leads the person to have a deeper look at their ideas, problems, beliefs and lifestyles, causing changes in negative habits.

However, the cults that use it regularly, state that this type of medicinal effect only appears when the person is determined to face his problems, and cannot be used as a simple medicine that is ingested to cause the expected effect.

Although it is often compared to a drug, Ayahuasca tea does not fall into this category, especially since it does not appear to have chronic toxic effects, nor does it cause addiction or any other type of addiction. Still, its use should always be guided by someone who knows its effects well.

Possible negative effects

The most common side effects that can occur with the ingestion of Ayahuasca are vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, which can appear soon after drinking the mixture or during hallucinations, for example. Other reported effects include excessive sweating, tremors, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

In addition, as it is a hallucinogenic drink, Ayahuasca can cause permanent emotional changes such as excessive anxiety, fears and paranoia, which in extreme cases can cause death. Thus, although it is not an illegal drink, it should not be used lightly.

Ayahuasca: what it is and its effects (positive and negative) on the body