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What to eat before and after the marathon


On the day of the marathon, the athlete must eat foods based on carbohydrates and protein, in addition to drinking a lot of water and drinking an energy drink. However, having a healthy diet is essential during the months you are preparing for the test.

To endure the test until the end, you should eat 2 hours, 1 hour and 30 minutes before running to keep your sugar levels stable, not having cramps and keeping your heart rate regular. In addition, you should eat right after the race is over to replace lost energy and fluids.

What to eat before the marathon

At this stage of preparation, no drastic changes should be made in the daily routine, and preferably one should choose to eat favorite foods, if they are healthy, as the body is already used to it.

What to eat 2 hours before running Examples of food Why

Consume slow-absorbing carbohydrates

bread, rice, sweet potato Store energy for a long period of time
Eating foods with protein egg, sardine, salmon Increase carbohydrate absorption and give energy

The athlete should also avoid the consumption of foods with fiber, such as cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes, as they can stimulate bowel movements, as well as avoid the consumption of foods that cause gas, as it can increase abdominal discomfort. Read more at: Foods that cause Gases.

Fiber-rich foods

Foods that cause gases

In addition, 1 hour before the test you must eat again.

What to eat 1 hour before running Example of food Why
Eat fast-absorbing carbohydrates

fruit like banana or white bread with jam

Increase blood sugar
Eat protein-rich foods Skimmed milk or yogurt Give energy
Ingest 500 ml of liquids Water Hydrate the body

In addition, 30 minutes before, during the warm-up phase, it is important to drink 250 ml of water or a caffeinated drink such as green tea and ingest part of an energy drink.

What to eat after the marathon

After running 21 km or 42 km and, to replace lost energy and eliminated fluids, you should eat right after the race is over.

What to eat right after finishing the race Example of food Why
Consume foods rich in carbohydrates (90g) and proteins (22g)

Rice with chicken; Pasta with loin; Baked potato with salmon

Replenishing the energy used and raising blood sugar levels
Eat fruits Strawberry, raspberry Provide glucose to the muscles

Drink 500 ml of liquid

Sports drink like Gold Drink Helps hydrate and provide minerals

After the race is over, it is important to consume 1.5 g of carbohydrates per kg of weight. For example, if a person weighs 60 kg, he should eat 90 g of foods rich in carbohydrates.

In addition, 2 hours after the race you should eat:

Potassium-rich foods

Foods rich in omega 3
  • Foods with omega 3, such as anchovies, herring, salmon and sardines, because they reduce inflammation in muscles and joints and help in recovery. Find other foods at: Eat foods rich in potassium such as bananas, peanuts or sardines, to combat muscle weakness and cramps. See more at: Foods rich in potassium. Eat salty foods as to restore blood sodium levels.

What to eat during the marathon

During the run, there is no need to eat food, but you must replace the fluids lost through sweat, drinking water in small amounts.

However, during the race it is important to drink a sports drink like Endurox R4 or Accelerade which contains minerals, approximately 30 g of carbohydrates and 15 g of whey protein, helping to retain water and contributing to the absorption of carbohydrates.

Find out some tips that help in running at: 5 tips to improve your running performance.

What to eat before and after the marathon