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What folic acid is and what it is for


Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a nutrient that participates in various functions in the body, such as:

  • Maintain brain health, preventing problems such as depression; Participate in the formation of the fetus' nervous system during pregnancy; Strengthen the immune system; Prevent anemia, by stimulating the formation of blood cells; Prevent colon cancer, by preventing changes in the Cell DNA; Prevent heart disease and infarction, by reducing homocysteine ​​and maintaining blood vessel health; Control vitiligo evolution.

To prevent malformations in the fetus such as spina bifida, women planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant should take supplements in folic acid capsules according to medical advice. See How to take folic acid for pregnancy.

Foods rich in folic acid

The following table shows foods rich in folic acid and the amount of this vitamin in 100 g of each food.

Food (100 g) B.C. Folic (mcg) Food (100 g) B.C. Folic (mcg)
Spinach 150 Raw broccoli 90
Corn flakes 167 Kale butter 78
Fried cow liver 350 Raw mushroom 44
Bean 210 Mango 36
Parsley 170 Tomato 17
Asparagus 155 Orange 31
Brussels sprouts 110 Oat flakes 56
Cooked cowpeas 210 Whole wheat bread 31

In addition to these foods, wheat flour marketed in Brazil is fortified with folic acid, which is why products such as bread, biscuits and pasta are also sources of this nutrient.

Recommended quantity

The recommended amount of folic acid per day varies with age, as shown in the following table:

Age Amount of Folic Acid
0 to 6 months 65 mcg
7 to 12 months 80 mcg
1 to 3 years 150 mcg
4 to 8 years 200 mcg
9 to 13 years 300 mcg
14 years or older 400 mcg
Pregnant women 600 mcg
Breastfeeding women 500 mcg

Folic acid supplementation should always be done under medical guidance, and is usually recommended in cases of deficiency of this vitamin, anemia or for pregnant women.

Side effects and contraindications of drug supplementation

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and therefore its excess is easily eliminated through urine. However, using folic acid supplements without medical advice or in concentrations greater than 5000 mcg, which is the recommended daily dose, can cause problems such as stomach pain, nausea, itchy skin or mask vitamin B12 deficiency anemia., for example, which is the case of pernicious anemia.

Supplementation of folic acid should also be guided by the physician in elderly or strict vegetarians, as there is a greater chance of vitamin B12 deficiency due to situations related to the reduced absorption capacity of this vitamin or to the diet. In addition, in cases of use of medications for seizures and rheumatism, the folic acid supplement should only be consumed according to medical advice.

See an example of a folic acid supplement and how to take it here.

What folic acid is and what it is for