Home Symptoms Causes of mouth sores and what to do

Causes of mouth sores and what to do


Sores in the mouth can be caused by thrush, by small bumps or irritations in this region, or by viral or bacterial infections. Herpes labialis is an example of a common infection caused by viruses, which causes small blisters that hurt and sting in the region of the lips. To learn more about this infection, check out herpes symptoms and how to cure.

In some rarer cases, especially when the ulcer persists for more than 1 week, they can also indicate more serious conditions, such as lichen planus, syphilis, oral soft cancer, lupus or ulcers caused by reaction to certain medications, such as Alendronate, anti- inflammatory or chemotherapies, for example.

When the mouth sore appears, it is necessary to seek assistance from the doctor or dentist, so that they can assess the characteristics of the lesion and identify the reason for the change. Generally, these lesions disappear in about 7 to 10 days, when their cause is resolved, however, in more complicated situations, they may need treatment with medications such as antibiotics, corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, depending on each case.

So, the main causes of mouth sores and what to do in each case are:

1. Thrush

Canker sore, scientifically called foot-and-mouth disease, is characterized by the appearance of one or more rounded ulcers that are usually small and rounded. It can appear anywhere in the mouth, such as the lip, tongue, cheek, palate or even in the throat, causing great pain and difficulty in eating and speaking.

The appearance of cold sore can be related to bites, consumption of citrus foods, changes in the pH of the mouth due to poor digestion, lack of vitamins or allergies to medications and even stress. In cases of recurrent thrush, although its cause is not fully explained, it may be related to imbalances of the immune system.

How to treat: cold sore can heal without the need for medication, being indicated to remove its triggering causes. In some cases, especially when the cold sore is uncomfortable and painful, the use of anesthetic ointments, such as benzocaine, topical corticosteroids, such as Triamcinolone or Fluocinonide, or healing agents, such as Policresulene, may be indicated.

In addition, it is important to improve nutrition and go to the doctor so that the cause of the decrease in the activity of the immune system is found and, thus, it may be possible to start the appropriate treatment.

Find out more about the best remedies to treat cold sore and homemade options.

2. Cold sores

Virus infections are one of the main causes of mouth sores, mainly caused by cold sores. This infection is acquired through contamination by the herpes simplex virus due to contact with secretions from other people's active lesions.

Lesions of cold sores are characterized by small blisters that are painful and can be accompanied by redness, itching and burning, which usually disappear in about 10 to 14 days.

How to treat it: the doctor will be able to guide the use of antiviral drugs, such as Acyclovir, in pill or ointment, to accelerate the healing process. To relieve pain or discomfort, you can also indicate preparations containing anesthetics.

Check out the following video for some tips to cure herpes:

Other types of viruses that can also cause mouth sores are HIV, Coxsackie virus, Epstein-barr virus and Cytomegalovirus (CMV), for example. In addition, injuries can be caused by bacteria, such as those that cause gingivitis, syphilis or soft cancer, for example. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a more severe form of gingivitis, which can cause major lesions in the gum region. Learn more about what it is and how to treat necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

3. Bruises

Small mouth sores can be formed on a daily basis, and often the cause can go unnoticed. Some examples are those formed by accidental bites, a poorly adjusted prosthesis, orthodontic appliances or even by exaggerated brushing.

Some people can cause mouth sores by consuming very hot or cold foods, causing a thermal burn, which is more common on the tongue or palate. In addition, an irritation can also arise from contact of the mucosa with very acidic or basic substances, such as acetylsalicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid or some oral care products, for example.

How to treat: this type of wound usually heals in a few days, if the cause has been removed. The dentist may indicate an ointment that facilitates healing, such as Policresulene, for example. It is also recommended to adjust the prosthesis or any other orthodontic appliance and better the teeth washing technique.

In cases of injuries that arise frequently, it is important to note if there is any habit, such as biting and scratching or if there is a use of any product that may be causing the problem. If it is caused by stress or anxiety, consulting with a psychologist can help treat these problems.

4. Other diseases

Some of the systemic diseases related to the appearance of mouth sores include:

  • Behçet's disease; Lichen planus; Pemphigus; Erythema multiforme; Lupus erythematosus; Celiac disease, Crohn's disease; Cancer.

Autoimmune and gastrointestinal diseases are worrying causes of mouth sores, and are usually more lasting and are associated with other symptoms, such as fever, weight loss, tiredness, diarrhea or other injuries to the body, such as the genital region, for example.

How to treat: these diseases are treated by a rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, general practitioner or oncologist, with specific medications, which may include corticosteroids, immunosuppressants or chemotherapy, for example.

In addition, sores in the mouth can be caused by reactions to medications, which cause inflammation in the lining of the mouth and can cause ulcerations. Some drugs associated with this effect are Alendronate, anti-inflammatory drugs, chemotherapy, Penicillamine, Sertraline, Losartan, Captopril or Indinavir, for example. Treatment is done with the removal or replacement of these remedies by the doctor.

Causes of mouth sores and what to do