Home Symptoms 7 Causes of constant seasickness and what to do

7 Causes of constant seasickness and what to do


Nausea, also called nausea, is the symptom that causes retching and when this sign is constant it can indicate specific conditions, such as pregnancy and the use of certain medications, such as chemotherapy, for example.

Some health problems can also cause constant nausea such as labyrinthitis, gastroesophageal reflux, anxiety and food intolerance and the treatment to improve this symptom depends on the recommendation of a doctor. In cases where constant nausea is associated with the appearance of other symptoms, such as bleeding from the mouth and fever, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Thus, the main causes of constant seasickness can be:

1. Pregnancy

During pregnancy various hormonal changes occur, such as the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin, known as hCG, the increase in estrogen and progesterone and these changes lead to the appearance of changes in the body, such as pain in the breast, and also cause symptoms such as aversion to smells strong, dizzy and constant nausea.

The constant nausea caused by pregnancy, occurs mainly between the 7th and 10th week, however, it can last for a longer time, and in some cases this symptom lasts until the end of the pregnancy.

What to do: to improve the symptoms of constant seasickness during pregnancy it is important to spend less time on an empty stomach, avoiding prolonged fasting and it is also necessary to consume lighter, less fatty foods and avoid fluid intake in the first two hours after waking up.

If constant nausea causes vomiting and does not subside, it is recommended to consult the obstetrician to indicate appropriate antiemetic medications for pregnant women. And yet, ginger water is a natural remedy for pregnant women who are constantly sick. Learn better how to relieve nausea with ginger.

2. Labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis is an inflammation that occurs in the nerve of the labyrinth, an organ that is inside the ear, due to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi or due to some injury in the ear region. This condition can also be triggered by eating certain types of food or by boat trips, causing symptoms such as constant nausea, dizziness and ringing in the ear.

The diagnosis of labyrinthitis must be made by an otorhinolaryngologist through the person's health history, as well as physical examination and tests such as audiometry.

What to do: the treatment for labyrinthitis is recommended by the otorhinolaryngologist and consists of the use of antiemetic drugs, to relieve nausea and dizziness and can also be done with changing eating habits, avoiding foods that increase inflammation and dizziness, such as sugar and alcoholic beverages. Here's what to do to avoid the bouts of dizziness from labyrinthitis.

3. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition that occurs when the stomach contents return to the esophagus and even to the mouth, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as constant nausea, burning sensation in the throat or stomach, dry cough and chest pain. See other symptoms of reflux in adults and babies.

This type of reflux can occur because the valve that is in the esophagus is not able to prevent the stomach contents from returning and this occurs when the person has hiatus hernia, for example. To diagnose gastroesophageal reflux it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist who will order exams, such as endoscopy and pH monitoring.

What to do: after the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor may recommend a treatment based on the use of medications to decrease stomach acidity, to improve esophageal motility and to accelerate the emptying of the stomach. In this case, one should also avoid drinking caffeine-rich drinks and consuming spicy foods.

4. Migraine

Migraine is a type of headache that is characterized by being recurrent and that gets worse when the person is stressed, does not eat or stays in contact with light and very strong odors for a long time. In addition to headache, which can be pulsatile, migraine may be associated with constant nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sensitivity to light.

This condition happens mainly with women and the causes are not yet well defined, however it arises due to changes in the cerebral blood flow. See more about the main causes of migraine.

What to do: when the symptoms of headache and nausea are constant, for more than 72 hours it is recommended to seek assistance from a general practitioner or neurologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment that can be with analgesic drugs, to relieve pain, and specific migraine remedies, such as zolmitriptan. Seizures can also be reduced with healthy eating habits, not eating strong foods and acupuncture sessions.

Watch a video with other tips on how to prevent migraine attacks:

5. Anxiety

Anxiety is an excessive preoccupation with situations that did not happen or because of an exaggerated fear that a negative event will occur. This feeling can cause physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, excessive tiredness, constant nausea and even muscle pain.

To improve these symptoms and reduce anxiety, it is necessary to change daily habits, such as practicing physical activity, doing relaxation and meditation techniques, performing aromatherapy techniques, for example. Here's more to do to combat stress and anxiety.

What to do: if even with the changes in habits, the person feels anxious and continues to have constant nausea and other symptoms, it is necessary to seek help from a psychology professional, to carry out psychotherapy and consult a psychiatrist, because in more severe cases the treatment is based on the use of anxiolytic drugs.

6. Use of medicines

Some medications can lead to the onset of constant nausea, especially those of continuous use such as antidepressants, such as sertraline and fluoxetine. Corticosteroids, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs tend to increase the acidity of the stomach and this can also cause constant nausea.

The drugs used in chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment can also cause constant nausea and therefore, in these cases, the doctor already prescribes antiemetic remedies even before the sessions, to prevent these nausea from being too strong.

What to do: if when taking medication the person constantly feels sick it is necessary to consult a general practitioner to check which treatment is more appropriate and treatment should not be abandoned, especially treatment with antidepressants, as the side effects tend to disappear with passing time, including constant nausea.

7. Food intolerance

Food intolerance is a condition that occurs when the body reacts to certain types of food and this reaction causes physical symptoms that can be constant nausea, diarrhea, bloating and pain in the belly. This condition is different from food allergy, because in an allergy the body leads to immediate reactions, such as coughing, redness and itchy skin.

Some people may develop lactose intolerance, for example, which is the sugar present in cow's milk and very common in several types of food. Check how to better identify lactose intolerance.

What to do: If a person observes that he feels constant nausea after eating or drinking some type of food, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist to confirm the diagnosis of food intolerance, which can be done through blood tests. Treatment for food intolerance consists mainly of removing food from the diet or using enzymes such as lactase, which helps the body absorb sugar from cow's milk.

The following is a video with important tips on what to eat in case of lactose intolerance:

When to go to the doctor

Generally, the presence of constant nausea does not indicate very serious illnesses, however, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible, if in addition to this symptom other signs such as:

  • Bleeding from the mouth; Excessive vomiting; Fever; Weakness; Shortness of breath; Chest pain.

These signs can indicate other more serious health problems, such as changes in the stomach and heart and therefore require the person to see a doctor as soon as possible.

7 Causes of constant seasickness and what to do