Home Pregnancy Brown discharge in pregnancy: causes and what to do

Brown discharge in pregnancy: causes and what to do


Having a little bit of brown discharge in pregnancy is common, not a big cause for concern but you need to be aware because it can indicate infections, changes in pH or dilation of the cervix, for example.

Light discharge, in small quantities, and with a gelatinous consistency is more common in early pregnancy, being less worrying, but a very dark discharge with a strong smell may indicate more serious changes. Find out what are the possible causes of pregnancy discharge and when it can be serious.

In any case, you should inform the obstetrician and perform tests to identify what is causing this symptom and start treatment as soon as possible.

Main causes of brown discharge in pregnancy

Small changes in the pH of the woman's genital region can cause brown discharge in a small amount, not a major cause for concern. In this case, the discharge comes in small quantities and lasts 2 to 3 days, disappearing naturally.

It is also common for pregnant women to notice a small brown discharge, which may contain a little blood, after making some physical effort such as going to the gym, climbing stairs with shopping bags, or doing intense domestic activities, such as cleaning, for example.

But if the dark discharge is accompanied by a bad smell, burning or itching in the vagina, this can indicate more serious changes, such as:

  • Infections, since pregnant women are more likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases; Risk of miscarriage - know what can cause miscarriage; Ectopic pregnancy, which is characterized by severe abdominal pain and blood loss through the vagina. See what other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are; Infection of the cervix.

Large amounts of dark discharge, associated with blood loss, increase the risk of complications, such as premature birth or rupture of the bag. Therefore, it is important to go to the doctor whenever you have dark discharge, even if in small quantities so that he can evaluate and perform ultrasound to see if everything is fine with the woman and the baby. Find out which tests are mandatory in pregnancy.

When brown discharge in pregnancy is normal

Small brown discharges, with a more watery or gelatinous consistency are common, especially in early pregnancy. It is also normal to have a little bit of dark discharge after intercourse but if you have noticed that the discharge does not have these characteristics, you should seek medical help.

Other symptoms that should not be ignored are itchy vagina, bad smell and the presence of cramps. These signs do not always indicate something serious, but it is good to be cautious and inform the doctor.

The dark brown discharge, like coffee grounds, at the end of pregnancy can be a blood loss and should be reported immediately to the obstetrician. If it is a light brown and abundant discharge with a few strands of blood, it should not be of much concern, as it may be the mucous plug indicating that the time of delivery is coming. See what causes brown discharge in pregnancy.

Treatment for brown discharge in pregnancy

Treatment can be done using antifungal drugs when the cause is candidiasis, for example, or antibiotics, in case of an STD. But when the discharge is not related to any disease, the treatment can be just rest, avoiding efforts.

In any case, some precautions must be taken daily to avoid the occurrence of discharge, are:

  • Avoid using soaps with moisturizing cream, antibacterials and antifungals; Use intimate soap indicated by the gynecologist; Underwear should be light, loose and cotton; Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach in underwear; Wash lingerie with water and mild soap; Avoid the use of daily protectors; Avoid washing the genital region more than 2 times a day, as it can take away the natural protection of the mucosa of that region.

These precautions can help prevent infections and, thus, reduce the chances of discharge.

Can dark discharge be pregnancy?

The dark discharge can be pregnancy, but it doesn't always happen. This is because, in some women, there is sometimes a greater blood flow before or in the last days of menstruation. In some cases, the flow may decrease in the last days of menstruation, causing the blood to become more concentrated and darker.

Check out the first 10 symptoms of pregnancy if you suspect you may be pregnant.

If menstruation is delayed, the appearance of a dark discharge may be a peeling of the endometrial tissue, which lines the uterus internally. Therefore, medical evaluation is essential for the necessary examinations to be performed, as delayed menstruation and dark discharge are not always signs of pregnancy.

Brown discharge in pregnancy: causes and what to do