Home Medicinal Plants What is the capuchin for

What is the capuchin for


Capuchin is a medicinal plant, also known as nasturtium, mast and capuchin, which can be used in the treatment of urinary tract infection, scurvy and skin diseases.

Its scientific name is Tropaeolum majus L. and can be purchased in health food stores and in some handling pharmacies.

Capuchin indications

The nasturtium is used to treat urinary tract infection, acne, skin allergies, dandruff, eczema, scurvy, lack of appetite, scalp strengthening, aged skin, insomnia, digestive problems, fluid retention, depression and wound healing.

Capuchin properties

The properties of the nasturtium include its antibiotic, expectorant, disinfectant, digestive, antiseptic, depurative, digestive, stimulating, sedative, purgative and diuretic properties.

How to use the nasturtium

The used parts of the nasturtium are its flowers and leaves, to make teas, infusions, juices or salads.

  • Infusion of nasturtium for dandruff: Add 4 tablespoons of chopped nasturtium in ½ liter of boiling water and then wash your hair with this infusion.

Here's a way to use this plant: Home remedy for urinary tract infection

Capuchin Side Effects

The side effect of the nasturtium is gastric irritation.

Capuchin contraindication

Capuchin is contraindicated for patients with gastritis, hypothyroidism, heart or kidney failure and pregnant or lactating women.

What is the capuchin for