Home Medicinal Plants What is horse chestnut for and how to use

What is horse chestnut for and how to use


Horse chestnut, also known as horse chestnut, is an oilseed widely used in the treatment of venous insufficiency and varicose veins, but it can also be used to facilitate the treatment of hemorrhoids, for example.

Its scientific name is Aesculus hippocastanum and can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of capsules, powder, leaves, creams or soaps. In addition, in some supermarkets and street markets it is also possible to buy leaves to prepare teas and infusions.

What is it for and how to use it

Horse chestnut serves for poor circulation, varicose veins, menstrual cramps, swelling from poor circulation, phlebitis, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, eczema, general skin inflammation, heavy legs and leg pain. These indications exist because the horse chestnut has an astringent, anti-hemorrhoidal, anti-inflammatory, stimulating, hemostatic action, reducing capillary permeability, tonic, vasoconstrictor, vasoprotective. Here's how to use it:

1. Tea for skin problems and arthritis

Tea made from horse chestnut leaves is an excellent way to relieve hemorrhoids, skin problems such as dermatitis or eczema, as well as inflammation in the joints such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.


  • 30 g of horse chestnut leaves1 liter of boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the chestnut leaves to the boiling water and let stand for approximately 20 minutes. Then strain and drink 2 to 3 cups of tea a day to treat hemorrhoids.

For skin and arthritis problems, the mixture can be placed in clean compresses and applied over the affected area for 15 minutes, without rubbing the skin.

2. Tincture for poor circulation and varicose veins

The tincture made with horse chestnut is a great option for the treatment of problems with poor circulation in the legs, varicose veins and feeling of heavy legs.


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Method of preparation

Put the chestnut powder in the alcohol bottle and close it, letting it rest for 2 weeks in a window in the sunlight. At the end of that time, store the mixture in a dark glass bottle and well covered in the sun. To drink, dilute 5 tablespoons of the tincture in 1 liter of filtered water and drink throughout the day.

Horse chestnut is also sold in capsules, which can be purchased at pharmacies, compounding pharmacies, drugstores and health food stores, and must be taken according to medical advice.

When not to consume

Side effects of horse chestnut can include stomach pain, a full stomach feeling and redness of the skin. But it should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, by children, and when taking anticoagulant drugs.

Excessive consumption of horse chestnut can cause itching, weakness, decreased coordination, pupil dilation, vomiting, central nervous system depression and paralysis, for example.

What is horse chestnut for and how to use