Home Medicinal Plants How to use catuaba and what are its effects

How to use catuaba and what are its effects


Catuaba, also known as Alecrim-do-campo, Catuaba-genuine, Catuabinha, Catuíba, Catuaba-pau, Caramuru or Tatuaba, is a medicinal plant widely used to make aphrodisiac remedies for male impotence problems.

The scientific name of Catuaba is Anemopaegma mirandum and can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores and some markets and supermarkets, in the form of powder, capsules, alcohol or in its natural form.

Check out some aphrodisiac foods that help treat sexual impotence.

What is Catuaba for

Catuaba has an aphrodisiac, tonic, energizing stimulant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, and can have several health benefits, such as:

  • Provide energy for the body; Increase libido and treat sexual impotence, as it has aphrodisiac properties; Extends erection in men, as it increases blood flow to the genital region; Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, since it can act directly on the nervous system; improves memory and prevents mental exhaustion.

In addition, Catuaba can help relieve symptoms of inflammation or infection, however it is important that it is used under medical guidance and in order to complement the recommended treatment.

How to use catuaba

The used parts of Catuaba are its leaves and flowers.

  • Catuaba tea for tiredness: Bring to boil ½ liter of water and add 2 tablespoons of catuaba bark. After 3 minutes, turn off the heat and let it steep before straining. After straining the tea is ready to drink. Catuaba capsules: Should be used with guidance from the general practitioner, up to 2 grams of Catuaba can be ingested per day. Wild catuaba - alcoholic drink: Take with meals, for example, to have an aphrodisiac effect.

See also a list of aphrodisiac juices that help with sexual impotence.

Possible side effects and contraindications

The side effects of Catuaba are related to its excessive consumption, being mainly related to its effect on the nervous system, with headache, dizziness, mental confusion and difficulty in concentration, for example. In addition, excessive consumption and without indication of catuaba can cause stomach irritation and result in negative effects in relation to performance and sexual desire.

The use of Catuaba is contraindicated for pregnant women, children under 12 years old and people with glaucoma or ventricular pre-excitation, and should be consumed according to the guidance of the doctor or herbalist as a way to complement any treatment.

How to use catuaba and what are its effects