Home Medicinal Plants Java tea: how to use to lose weight

Java tea: how to use to lose weight


Java tea is a medicinal plant, also known as bariflora, very common in several regions of Asia and Australia, but used worldwide, especially due to its diuretic properties that help to treat various urinary and kidney problems, like infections or kidney stones.

This plant also has purifying and draining properties that help to eliminate excess fat and cholesterol from the body, and can be used as a complement in the treatment of high cholesterol or obesity, for example.

In addition, when used in the form of tea to wet clean compresses, it can be applied to inflammations of the skin, such as stings or wounds, to prevent them from becoming infected and healing faster.

Price and where to buy

Java tea can be purchased from health food stores in the form of dried leaves to prepare teas and infusions or in the form of capsules, especially used to help treat cholesterol and lose weight.

Thus, its price varies according to the desired shape, and for about 60 grams of dry leaves it is 25.00 R $, while for capsules it is on average 60 reais.

How to use to lose weight

This plant can be used to lose weight especially due to its diuretic action that helps to eliminate excess fluids, reducing body weight and swelling. In addition, as it has draining and purifying properties, it is able to help eliminate excess body fat.

To achieve this goal the plant is generally used in the form of capsules, as follows:

  • 1 capsule of 300 mg twice a day, after lunch and another after dinner.

Usually, these capsules also have fibers that help increase the feeling of satiety and decrease hunger, facilitating weight loss.

To ensure a better result, the capsules should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet low in fat and carbohydrates, as well as a regular exercise plan.

How to prepare tea

Tea is widely used to treat kidney stones and urinary infections and to prepare it you should put 6 to 12 grams of dry leaves in 1 liter of boiling water and let it stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then filter. Afterwards, it is recommended to drink the tea 2 to 3 times a day.

This tea can also be used to treat inflammation on the skin, for which it is only necessary to dip a clean compress and apply over the affected area for about 10 minutes.

Possible side effects

Java tea is well tolerated by the body and, therefore, the appearance of any side effect is uncommon. However, when used in the form of tea it has a very intense flavor that can facilitate the onset of nausea or vomiting.

Who should not use

Due to its properties, this plant should not be used by pregnant women or breastfeeding women, as well as people with kidney or heart failure.

Java tea: how to use to lose weight