Home Home-Remedies Learn how to make fennel tea and its benefits

Learn how to make fennel tea and its benefits


Fennel, also called fennel, is a medicinal plant rich in fiber, vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, over, sodium and zinc. In addition, it has antispasmodic properties and is very effective in combating gastrointestinal disorders. Fennel is able to improve digestion, fight gases and can be used by all ages.

Fennel tea can also be consumed to increase breast milk production and treat baby's cramps caused by the accumulation of gases.

What is fennel tea for

Fennel has anti-inflammatory, stimulating, digestive and diuretic properties, and therefore has several benefits, such as:

  • Heartburn prevention; Sickness relief; Reduction of gases; Aid in digestion; Laxative effect; Increases appetite; Fights cough; Increases milk production in pregnant women.

In addition to being used in tea, fennel can also be used to season salads and to prepare sweet or spicy gratin or sauté dishes. Learn more about the benefits of fennel.

Fennel tea for weight loss

Fennel tea

Fennel tea for weight loss can be made with either the seeds or green leaves of fennel.


  • 1 cup of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds or 5 g of green fennel leaves.

Method of preparation

Add the fennel seeds or leaves in a cup of boiling water, cover and wait for it to warm. Strain and drink next.

Baby fennel tea

Fennel tea is good for stopping baby colic that is no longer breastfed but should not be used without medical advice, or in large quantities. For babies who breastfeed exclusively, the solution may be for the mother to drink fennel tea, as this herb is able to increase milk production and the properties of the herb are passed on to the baby at the time of breastfeeding.

To stop baby colic you can:

  • Give the baby that is no longer breastfeeding about 2 to 3 teaspoons of fennel; Carry out a gentle massage, with movements from top to bottom especially on the left side of the baby's tummy; Place a bag of warm water under the baby's belly and let him lie on his stomach momentarily.

However, if after 1 hour of trying, the parents are unable to calm the baby, call the pediatrician and explain the situation.

If in the first 2 months of the baby, it is noticed the occurrence of constant colic, with vomiting and the baby becomes very restless or very still, pale, with wide eyes but without fever, it may be that he is suffering from an intestinal invasion, popularly called "knot in the guts" and in this case no medication for pain or colic should be given as it can mask this symptom and worsen the situation. Learn how to treat baby's cramps.

Learn how to make fennel tea and its benefits