Home Home-Remedies Yam tea: what it is for, how to make it and how to take it

Yam tea: what it is for, how to make it and how to take it


Yam tea can be consumed by both men and women, as it is able to strengthen the immune system, improve the digestive process, control blood cholesterol and glucose levels and prevent cardiovascular disease, for example.

Women of childbearing age usually use yam tea mainly to get pregnant, as it is able to increase the levels of progesterone in the blood and, thus, favor ovulation. However, this relationship between yam tea and increased fertility has yet to be scientifically proven.

What is it for

Yam is a low glycemic index food rich in proteins, fibers and vitamins, mainly vitamin C and B complex, therefore having several health benefits, such as improving the digestive process, controlling cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular diseases and helps in the weight loss process, for example. Learn about other benefits of yam.

Yams can be consumed raw, in recipes or in the form of tea, which is widely used by women who wish to become pregnant. This is because the yam has in its composition a hormone that is transformed into DHEA in the body, another hormone responsible for regulating the levels of female sex hormones circulating in the blood, controlling estrogen levels and increasing progesterone levels, stimulating ovulation..

Despite being widely used by women to favor pregnancy, there is still no scientific evidence that this actually happens, so it is important to consult the gynecologist to adopt strategies to stimulate ovulation. See also other ways to stimulate ovulation.

Can a man drink the Yam Tea?

Although yam tea is used mainly by women in order to stimulate ovulation, even if there is no scientific evidence, yam tea can also be consumed by men, as it has other benefits, such as increased energy and disposition, combating inflammatory processes and strengthening the immune system.

In addition to tea, yams can be consumed in other ways, such as cooked, raw or as an ingredient in cakes, for example. Check out some recipes with yam.

How to Make Yam Tea

Yam tea can be taken by anyone at any time of the day, however it is important that large quantities are not ingested, as it can result in weight gain and diarrhea, for example.


  • Bark of 1 yam; 1 glass of water.

Method of preparation

To make the yam tea just place the yam rind in the boiling water and leave for about 5 minutes with the pan covered. Then let it cool, strain and drink on an empty stomach. Since yam tea doesn't have much flavor, it may be interesting to add some sweetener to make it look better.

In the case of women who take yam tea to become pregnant, it is recommended to take it close to the fertile period so that there is stimulation of ovulation and increase the chances of pregnancy. See how to identify the fertile period.

Yam tea: what it is for, how to make it and how to take it