Home Medicinal Plants Benefits of tanacet tea

Benefits of tanacet tea


Tanaceto, whose scientific name is Tanacetum parthenium L. , is a perennial plant, with aromatic leaves and flowers similar to daisies.

This medicinal herb has numerous properties that give it benefits in terms of digestion, respiratory, musculoskeletal system, skin, nervous system and also in pain relief, in cases of migraine for example.

Tanaceto Properties

Tanaceto has relaxing, uterus stimulating, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, digestive, nerve tonic, analgesic, purifying, decongestant, vasodilating, digestive stimulating and deworming properties.

In addition, this plant also increases perspiration and stimulates the gallbladder, causing bile to exit the duodenum.

What are the benefits

Tanaceto has several benefits:

1. Digestion

This plant increases appetite and digestion, removing nausea and vomiting. In addition, it eliminates toxins, stimulates the proper functioning of the liver, reducing symptoms related to lazy liver and eliminating toxins.

2. Mental and emotional

Tanaceto has a relaxing action and can be used in irritability and anger states and in cases of agitation in children. irritability, headache and migraine.

3. Respiratory system

Hot Tanaceto tea increases perspiration and reduces fever and also has a decongestant action in eliminating phlegm and sinusitis. It can also be used to relieve asthma and other allergies, such as hay fever.

4. Pain and inflammation

This medicinal herb is widely used in cases of migraine and helps to relieve pain in trigeminal neuralgia and sciatica. Tanacet also has an anti-inflammatory action, being useful in the treatment of arthritis. Find out everything about this disease.

5. Skin health

The fresh plant is used to treat insect bites and bites, relieving pain and swelling. The diluted tincture can be used as a lotion to repel insects and treat pimples and boils.

How to use

Tanaceto can be used in the form of tea, tincture or directly on the skin. The most used is tea, which must be prepared as follows:


  • 15 g of aerial parts of tanacet; 600 mL of water

Method of preparation

Bring the water to a boil and then take it out of the fire and place the plant, cover and let it stand for about 10 minutes. Take a cup of this tea, 3 times a day.

The fresh plant and tincture can be applied directly to the skin, to relieve allergies, insect bites or swelling. In addition, it can also be used in a compress, frying a handful of leaves in a little oil, letting it cool and placing it on the abdomen, to relieve cramps.

Who should not use

Tanaceto should be avoided during pregnancy and in people undergoing treatment with anticoagulant drugs, such as warfarin.

Possible side effects

Tanacet is generally well tolerated, but in some cases fresh leaves can cause oral ulcers.

Benefits of tanacet tea