Home Medicinal Plants What is the comfrey plant for?

What is the comfrey plant for?


Comfrey is a medicinal plant, also known as solid, comfrey Russian, vegetable milk and cow tongue, widely used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, accelerating healing.

Its scientific name is Symphytum officinalis L. and can be purchased at some health food stores and in pharmacies and used externally, as an astringent, healing, emollient, topical anti-inflammatory, anti eczematous and anti psoriatic.

What is it for

Comfrey is only suitable for external use and serves to treat inflammations, scars, fractures, rheumatisms, mycoses, dermatitis, pimples, psoriasis and eczema.

What properties

Due to its composition in allantoin, phytosterols, alkaloids, tannins, organic acids, saponins, mucilages, asparagine, resins and essential oils, this medicinal plant has healing, moisturizing, astringent, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties.

How to use

For therapeutic purposes, comfrey leaves and roots are used, collected mainly when the plant is dry.

1. Comfy compresses

To prepare comfrey compresses, you must boil 10 g of comfrey leaves in 500 mL of water and then strain and put the mixture in a compress and apply over the affected area.

2. Compress for acne

To prepare a compress to treat acne, put 50 g of comfrey in 500 ml of cold water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Then, wet a thin cloth in this tea and apply to the region to be treated.

Possible side effects

Some of the side effects that can occur with comfrey use include gastric irritations, liver damage or abortion if swallowed.

Who should not use

Comfrey is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to this plant, during pregnancy or for women in the lactation phase. It should also be avoided in people with liver and kidney disease, cancer and in children.

Furthermore, it is also not indicated for internal use.

What is the comfrey plant for?