Home Home-Remedies Erectile dysfunction: 3 proven home options

Erectile dysfunction: 3 proven home options


There are some teas made with medicinal plants that help to reduce the symptoms of sexual impotence in men, as they can increase blood circulation to the sexual organ or improve brain function, giving more disposition and libido.

Although these medicinal plants have a faster effect when used in the form of tablets or capsules, as they have a higher concentration, they can also be used in the form of tea, provided they are ingested daily.

Sexual impotence, or erectile dysfunction, generally affects men between 50 and 80 years of age, who are no longer able to achieve an erection sufficiently rigid to allow penetration and satisfactory sexual intercourse. Learn more about this problem at see other ways to treat sexual impotence.

1. Korean Ginseng tea and Maca

Korean Ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, is a plant that, in addition to improving disposition and allowing easier interpretation of sexual stimuli, also appears to have an effect on the corpora cavernosa of the penis, facilitating blood circulation and enabling an erection. satisfactory.

In addition, when associated with Maca, it is possible to slightly increase testosterone levels, which ends up increasing libido and improving sexual performance.


  • 2 grams of dry Korean Ginseng root; 1 teaspoon of Peruvian Maca powder.

Method of preparation

Put the dry Ginseng root to a boil with 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, strain and mix with Maca powder. Allow to warm and drink 2 to 3 times a day.

2. Ginkgo biloba tea with Tribulus terrestris

This is an excellent home remedy to help improve sexual function in men who are taking antidepressant drugs, as, according to some studies, Ginkgo appears to improve mood, while Tribulus may slightly affect serum testosterone levels, making it easier to erection.


  • 1 tablespoon of Ginkgo biloba leaves, 1 tablespoon of Tribulus terrestris leaves.

Method of preparation

Place the two plants in 500 ml of boiling water and let stand covered for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain the mixture and let it warm. Drink this mixture 2 to 3 times a day.

These plants can also be used in the form of food supplements, showing faster results. Some formulas in health food stores already contain a mixture of these plants in their composition.

3. Schisandra chinensis tea

Although it is still little studied, this plant, also known as echysandra, seems to have very positive effects in improving libido, reducing stress and reducing symptoms of impotence. This way, its regular use can help to facilitate the erection, especially in men who are going through a lot of tension.


  • 3 tablespoons of dried Schisandra berries.

Method of preparation

Put 3 cups of water to a boil and then add the berries for 15 minutes. After that time strain the mixture and let it warm. Drink 2 to 3 times a day.

To improve the taste of this tea, you can add a little honey or a few drops of lemon, for example.

Other natural tips for impotence

In addition to plants, there are also some foods that increase libido and improve symptoms of impotence. See which and how to prepare an aphrodisiac meal:

See a complete menu with recipes for an aphrodisiac day.

Erectile dysfunction: 3 proven home options