The remedies for gases such as Dimethicone or Activated carbon are two of the best options to eliminate the pain and discomfort caused by the excess of intestinal gases, existing in several formulations suitable for adults and children.
These remedies usually work quickly, but home remedies prepared with herbal teas are also useful for relieving gas, with fewer side effects and contraindications.
Some of the most widely used pharmacy remedies include:
- Dimethicone; Simethicone; Activated charcoal; 46 by Almeida Prado - Homeopathy; Precious drops of belladonna; Fungicol, with fennel, chicory and stevia; with fennel, peppermint, charcoal, chamomile and caraway.
Gas remedies can be purchased at pharmacies or drugstores and usually do not need a prescription, costing between 5 to 15 reais.
Natural remedies for gases
Some of the best natural remedies for intestinal gases are teas or infusions made with:
- Anise, nutmeg, cardamom or cinnamon: favor the elimination of gases. Fennel: prevents muscle contractions by promoting relaxation of the intestinal muscles. Ginger: aids digestion and improves cramps because it reduces muscle spasms. Peppermint: reduces natural bowel movements, preventing gases from being expelled. It is not suitable for constipation sufferers.
These herbal tea are excellent natural remedies to treat gas-related problems that cause abdominal pain, bloating and discomfort.
See how to prepare 4 herbal teas that help treat gas.
How to make home remedy for gases
A great home remedy for gases is fennel tea with lemon balm, because this plant controls abdominal cramps caused by excess gas.
- 1 teaspoon of dried fennel leaves; 1 teaspoon of dried lemon balm leaves; 1 cup of water.
Method of preparation
Put all the ingredients in a pan and boil for a few minutes. Cover, let it warm, strain and drink next. Take 1 cup before main meals. Make a new tea every time you drink.
Watch more tips for nutritionist to get rid of gases naturally: