Severe mental retardation is characterized by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) between 20 and 35. In this case, the person does not speak almost anything, and needs care for life, always being dependent and incapable.
She cannot be enrolled in regular school because she cannot learn, speak or understand to a degree that can be assessed, and specialized professional support is always needed so that she can develop and learn the essential words, such as calling her mother, asking for water or going to the bathroom, for example.
Signs, symptoms and characteristics
In the case of severe mental retardation, the child is delayed in motor development, and cannot always learn to sit alone or speak, for example, so he has no autonomy and needs the support of parents or other caregivers daily. They need support to dress, eat and take care of their personal hygiene for life.
The diagnosis of severe or severe mental retardation is made in childhood, but it can only be confirmed after the age of 5, which is when the IQ test can be performed. Before this stage, the child may be diagnosed with delayed psychomotor development and blood and imaging tests may be performed that may show other brain impairments and associated diseases, which require specific treatments, such as autism, for example.
The table below indicates some characteristics and differences in the types of mental retardation:
Degree of commitment | IQ | Mental age | Communication | Education | Self care |
Light | 50 - 70 | 9 to 12 years | Speak with difficulty | 6th grade | Totally Possible |
Moderate | 36 - 49 | 6 to 9 years | Varies a lot | 2nd series | Possible |
Serious | 20 - 35 | 3 to 6 years | Says almost nothing | x | Trainable |
Deep | 0 - 19 | up to 3 years | Can't speak | x | x |
Treatments for severe mental retardation
Treatment for severe mental retardation should be indicated by the pediatrician and may involve the use of medications to control symptoms and other conditions that are present, such as epilepsy or difficulty sleeping. Psychomotor stimulation is also indicated, as well as occupational therapy to improve the quality of life of the child and his family.
The life expectancy of children with severe mental retardation is not very long, but it depends a lot on other associated diseases, and on the type of care they can get.