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Does taking laxative lose weight?


Although some people think that taking laxative makes them thin, this is not true. The laxative will cleanse the intestine and, therefore, can give the impression of weight loss, because with an empty intestine the belly looks smaller, less swollen.

Contact laxatives such as Dulcolax and Lactopurga, for example, should not be used very often, as they can:

  • Addict the intestine, and it will only work when taking the medication; Cause dehydration, which is a dangerous situation; Lead to a lack of vitamins because in diarrhea electrolytes are eliminated and vitamins from food are not absorbed; Cause heart disease and kidney complications in the long run.

In addition, the alteration of the intestinal flora can cause disturbances, causing the individual to alternate between periods of diarrhea and constipation frequently. Therefore, contact laxatives should only be taken with medical advice.

How to loosen the intestine naturally

The most recommended for those who suffer from a stuck intestine and a bloated belly is to invest in foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains, for example, that act as a natural laxative, because they favor the formation and hydration of the fecal cake, which they make feces clear more easily and more often. See some examples of high fiber foods.

If necessary, you can take fiber-based food supplements, such as Benefiber, which contains the recommended daily fiber dose. Fibers are very important for the body, as they satiate hunger and keep the intestine functioning properly. This supplement can be purchased at supermarkets, pharmacies and drugstores.

Watch the following video and learn about other home remedies to clean your intestines without the need for laxatives:

How to lose weight and lose belly without drugs

To lose weight and lose belly while staying healthy and looking good, you must decrease your calorie intake, checking food labels and prefer salads, fruit juices, and vegetables, in addition to increasing the energy expenditure that is accumulated in the form of fat, exercising regularly.

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Does taking laxative lose weight?