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Lenvatinib package insert


Lenvatinib is the active ingredient in a medicine sold commercially as Lenvima which is indicated for the treatment of thyroid or kidney cancer.

This medication must be part of the chemotherapy performed against cancer, but in some cases it can cause unpleasant side effects, but which can be controlled with some feeding tricks. Check out these tips at: What to eat to lessen the side effects of chemotherapy.

Levantinib indications

For the treatment of thyroid cancer that cannot be treated with radioactive iodine and in the case of kidney cancer, according to the oncologist's guidance.

How to use Levantinib

  • For thyroid cancer:

It is recommended to take 24 md of Lenvima per day, divided into 2 10 mg capsules + 1 4 mg capsule at once, with or without food, always at the same time every day.

  • For kidney cancer:

It is recommended to take 18 mg per day, with 1 capsule of 10 mg + 2 capsules of 4 mg and also 5 mg of everolimus.

In both cases it is recommended to take the medicine capsules at the same time, every day. If you forget to take at the appointed time and it has not yet been 12 hours, take the forgotten medication and the next dose at the usual time, but if you have forgotten for more than 12 hours, skip this dose and take only the next dose on time right.

You should preferably swallow the capsules whole but if that is not possible, you can open each capsule and mix its contents with just 1 or 2 tablespoons of water or apple juice and let it dilute for 3 minutes and take the mixture afterwards.

Side effects of Levantinib

This medicine can cause hypertension, fatigue, decreased appetite, pain in the muscles and joints, feeling sick, headache, vomiting, proteinuria, abdominal pain, voice changes, thrush, coughing, heart changes, arterial thrombosis, diarrhea, failure or renal failure, hypocalcemia, hemorrhage and thyroid dysfunction.

Contraindications for Levantinib

Lenvima is not indicated for use in children and adolescents because it is not known whether it is safe at these ages.

Lenvatinib package insert