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Gynecological ointment for candidiasis


Some ointments and creams used to treat candidiasis are those that contain antifungal substances such as clotrimazole, isoconazole or miconazole, also known commercially as Canesten, Icaden or Crevagin, for example.

These creams relieve itching in the intimate region, because they help to eliminate the fungi, bringing back the balance of microorganisms that normally inhabit the region, without major damage to health, and are generally well tolerated.

How to use ointments for vaginal candidiasis

Ointments for vaginal candidiasis should be applied externally, in the intimate region and also inside the vagina. For these creams to be applied inside the vagina, special applicators must be used, which are included in the package with the cream.

How to use:

  1. Wash and dry your hands and the intimate area, removing traces of the ointment previously applied or the skin that may be loosening; Open the ointment package, attach the applicator, place the contents of the tube inside the applicator until filled. After filling, uncouple the applicator from the tube; lying down and with your legs bent, or sitting with your legs wide open, introduce the applicator full of ointment into the vagina, as deep as possible, and remove the applicator while the ointment is being applied. released inside the vagina.Apply a little cream also on the outer region, on the small and large lips.

The ointment for candidiasis must be indicated by the gynecologist, respecting his guidelines regarding the time of use. The ointment should be applied to the entire external genital region and also inside the vagina, even if the candidiasis symptoms disappear before the expected date.

Ointments for candidiasis on the penis

Creams for candidiasis in men do not need an applicator, but they can contain the same substances in their composition as those used by women.

How to use:

  1. Wash and dry your hands and the intimate area, removing traces of the ointment previously applied or the skin that is loosening; Apply about half a centimeter of ointment on the penis, passing the product throughout the region, leaving it to act for about 4 to 6 hours and then repeat the entire procedure.

The ointment for candidiasis should be indicated by the urologist, respecting his guidelines regarding the time of use. The product should be applied to the entire external genital region, even if the symptoms of candidiasis disappear before the expected date.

For those suffering from chronic candidiasis, the use of ointments for candidiasis may have no effect, as Candida may become resistant to them. In this case, treatment should consist of strengthening the immune system and adopting a diet low in carbohydrates and sugars. In any case, medical advice is essential to ensure the cure of the disease.

Home remedy for Candidiasis

A homemade way to fight candidiasis is to introduce natural yogurt into the vagina, allowing it to act for about 3 hours, changing several times a day, since the yogurt helps to balance the vaginal pH and also contains beneficial bacteria that help maintain a flora balanced vaginal.

This is a great way to treat candidiasis in pregnancy, since most drugs should be avoided at this stage, and should only be used under the guidance of the obstetrician.

See more possibilities at: Home remedy for candidiasis.

How to cure candidiasis faster

Watch the video below and learn what to eat to cure candidiasis faster and to prevent it from coming back:

Gynecological ointment for candidiasis