Home Bulls What is it for and how to use bentonite clay

What is it for and how to use bentonite clay


Bentonite Clay also known as Bentonite Clay is a clay that can be used to strengthen the immune system, to cleanse the face or to treat skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.

This clay has a strong ability to absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals and impurities while transferring several beneficial minerals and nutrients to the skin and body. Discover other types of clay with different properties in What is Clay Therapy.

So, here are 3 different ways to use and enjoy the properties of this clay:

1. Cleanse the skin and treat psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis and eczema are two skin problems that can be treated with Bentonite Clay, as this is able to relieve itchiness, redness and inflammation of the skin, thereby ridding the skin of toxins, impurities and damaged cells.

How to use

To use this clay on the skin, just add water so that it forms a paste, which can be applied over painful areas that need treatment. In addition, for a longer lasting effect, after passing the clay, it can wrap the cellophane skin region, leaving it to act for several hours.

Another way to use this clay is to add 4 to 5 glasses of it in a hot bath and enjoy its effect for 20 to 30 minutes.

2. Strengthen the immune system

This type of clay can help strengthen the immune system, as it has a protective action against various toxins and agents responsible for weakening the immune system. In addition, it is a great resource to do internal cleanings in the body, to detoxify and combat symptoms of bloating and gas caused by constipation.

How to take

To take, just add 1 to 2 teaspoons to a glass of water, mix well and drink the mixture. If necessary, the dose of Bentonite Clay to be taken may be increased, but you should not do this without talking to your doctor first.

In addition, you should wait at least 1 hour before eating after taking Bentonite Clay and you should never take this mixture until two hours after taking any medication.

3. Cleanse the face and remove impurities

Another application for Bentonite Clay is that it can be used as a face mask, as it cleans and removes toxins from the skin.

This clay is great for oily skin, with blackheads or pimples, as it has a fantastic ability to absorb excess oil from the face, cleaning and purifying the skin. In addition, it tones and lightens the skin, disguising the open pores and brightening the face.

How to use

To use this clay on the face just mix 1 tablespoon of Bentonite Clay with 1 tablespoon of water, the ratio is always 1 to 1, and apply on the face washed and without makeup or creams. This mask must act on the face between 10 to 15 minutes and must be removed using warm water.

In addition to these applications, Argenton Bentonite can also be used for other purposes, such as to remove toxins from water or to help cleanse the body of heavy metals such as Mercury, for example.

This clay can be purchased at stores selling natural or cosmetic products in Brazil, but it is easier to buy it at online stores.

What is it for and how to use bentonite clay