Home Symptoms Food supplements: proteins, carbohydrates and thermogenic

Food supplements: proteins, carbohydrates and thermogenic


Food supplements can help improve the results of the gym when taken correctly, preferably with the accompaniment of a nutritionist.

Supplements can be used to increase muscle mass gain, weight gain, to lose weight or to give more energy during training, and their effects are enhanced when accompanied by a healthy diet.

Supplements to gain muscle mass

The supplements that help to gain muscle mass are based on proteins, the most common being:

  • Whey Protein: it is the protein removed from whey, and the ideal is that it is taken right after training, diluted in water or skimmed milk to increase the speed of absorption of supplement; Creatine: has the function of increasing the production of energy by the muscle, reducing fatigue and muscle loss that occur during training. The best way to take creatine is after physical activity; BCAA: are essential amino acids for the formation of proteins in the body, being metabolized directly in the muscles. They should be taken preferably after training or before bed, but it is important to note that these amino acids are already present in complete supplements such as whey protein.

Although they help in gaining muscle mass, excessive consumption of protein supplements can overload the body and cause kidney and liver problems.

Protein supplement: Whey Protein

Protein supplement: BCAA

Protein supplement: Creatine

Weight Loss Supplements

The supplements used to lose weight are called thermogenic, and they help with weight loss because they work by increasing fat burning, with the main effect of increasing body metabolism.

The ideal is to consume thermogenic supplements based on natural ingredients such as ginger, caffeine and pepper, as is the case with Lipo 6 and Therma Pro. These supplements can be taken before or after training, or throughout the day to keep the body active and increase energy expenditure.

It is important to note that thermogenic substances containing the substance Ephedrine are prohibited by ANVISA, and that even natural thermogenic agents can cause effects such as insomnia, heart palpitations and problems in the nervous system.

Thermogenic supplement: Therma Pro

Thermogenic supplement: Lipo 6

Energy Supplements

Energy supplements are made mainly from carbohydrates, the main source of energy for the body's cells. These supplements can also be used when the goal is weight gain, the most common of which are maltodextrin and dextrose, which must be taken before training.

However, when used in excessive amounts, these supplements can increase weight gain and favor the onset of problems such as diabetes.

Thus, supplements should be used according to the objective of each person, and ideally they should be prescribed by a nutritionist, so that their benefits are obtained without putting health at risk.

Energy supplement: Maltodextrin

Energy supplement: Dextrose

In addition to supplements, see how to eat properly to increase training performance.

Food supplements: proteins, carbohydrates and thermogenic