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What is dpoc, main symptoms and treatment


COPD, also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a progressive respiratory disease that has no cure, and causes symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing and breathing difficulties.

It is the result of inflammation and damage to the lungs, mainly due to smoking, as smoke and other substances present in cigarettes gradually cause destruction of the tissue that forms the airways.

In addition to cigarettes, other risks for developing COPD are exposure to smoke from a wood oven, work in coal mines, genetic alterations of the lungs, and even exposure to other people's cigarette smoke, which is passive smoking.

Main symptoms

The inflammation caused in the lungs causes its cells and tissues to not function normally, with airway dilation and air trapping, which is emphysema, in addition to dysfunction of the glands that produce mucus, causing coughing and the production of respiratory secretions, which is bronchitis.

Thus, the main symptoms are:

  • Constant cough; Production of a lot of phlegm, especially in the morning; Shortness of breath, which starts lightly, only when making efforts, but gradually gets worse, until it gets more serious and reaches the point where it is present even when stopped.

In addition, people with this disease may have respiratory infections more often, which can further worsen symptoms, with more shortness of breath and secretion, a condition that is called exacerbated COPD.

How to diagnose

The diagnosis of COPD is made by the general practitioner or pulmonologist, based on the person's clinical history and physical examination, in addition to tests such as chest X-rays, chest computed tomography, and blood tests, such as arterial blood gases, which indicate changes the shape and function of the lungs.

However, confirmation is made with an exam called spirometry, which shows the degree of airway obstruction and the amount of air the person can breathe, thus classifying the disease as mild, moderate and severe. Find out how spirometry is performed.

How to treat COPD

To treat COPD it is essential to quit smoking, otherwise the inflammation and symptoms will continue to worsen, even with the use of medication.

The medication used is mainly the inhalation pump, prescribed by the pulmonologist, which contains active ingredients that open the airways to allow the passage of air and reduce symptoms, such as:

  • Bronchodilators, such as Fenoterol or Acebrofilina; Anticholinergics, such as Ipratropium Bromide; Beta-agonists, such as Salbutamol, Fenoterol or Terbutaline; Corticosteroids, such as Beclomethasone, Budesonide and Fluticasone.

Another remedy used to decrease phlegm secretion is N-acetylcysteine, which can be taken as a tablet or sachet diluted in water. Corticosteroids in pill or vein, such as prednisone or hydrocortisone, for example, are only used in cases of exacerbation or acute worsening of symptoms.

The use of oxygen is necessary in severe cases, with medical indication, and must be done in a nasal oxygen catheter, for a few hours or continuously, depending on each case.

In the last case, surgery can be performed, in which a part of the lung is removed, and has the objective of decreasing the volume and the trapping of air in the lungs. However, this surgery is only done in some very serious cases and in which the person could tolerate this procedure.

One can also take some precautions, such as staying in a comfortable position when lying down, to facilitate breathing, preferring to leave the bed tilted or slightly seated, if there is difficulty in breathing. In addition, it is important to do activities within the limits, so that the shortness of breath is not too intense, and the diet should be done with the help of the nutritionist so that the necessary nutrients are replenished to provide energy.

Physiotherapy for COPD

In addition to medical treatment, respiratory therapy is also recommended as it helps to improve the breathing capacity and quality of life of people with COPD. The purpose of this treatment is to help with breathing rehabilitation, thus reducing symptoms, medication doses and the need for hospitalization. See what it is for and how respiratory therapy is performed.

What is dpoc, main symptoms and treatment