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3 Steps to end constipation after childbirth


Although constipation is a common alteration in the postpartum period, there are simple measures that can help to loosen the intestine, without having to resort to contact laxatives, which may seem a good option initially, but which can 'addict' the intestine.

The following tips are very useful and can help regulate the bowel and should be followed for a lifetime.

The 3 steps to release the intestine are:

1. Drink more water

You need to drink enough water to mobilize and soften the stool, facilitating its elimination. Good strategies for drinking more water are:

  • Have a 1.5 l bottle of water close by, to drink even if you are not thirsty; Take 3 to 4 cups of tea a day; Add half a lemon squeezed in 1 liter of water, without adding sugar and take along of the day.

Soft drinks and industrialized juices are not recommended because they contain toxic substances and sugar that promotes dehydration.

2. Eat fiber

Eating fiber-rich foods like plum, mango, papaya and grapes is a great way to quickly end constipation, in addition to drinking plenty of water. Thus, a diet rich in fiber and eventually some light laxatives can be used in the first 3 days.

Discover other examples of high fiber foods.

A balanced diet will help the mother to get back into shape and also strengthen the body to take care of the baby and produce milk properly.

3. Pooping the right way

In addition to feeding, the position of the body at the time of evacuation can also hinder the passage of feces. See which position is right for you in the video with nutritionist Tatiana Zanin:

If even after following this step by step, you are unable to keep your bowels regulated, it is recommended to go to the doctor, especially if you go more than 5 days without evacuating because the accumulation of feces can have serious health consequences.

3 Steps to end constipation after childbirth