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Benefits of chlorella


Chlorella, or chlorella, is a green micro alga from sweet seaweed that has a high nutritional value because it is rich in fibers, proteins, iron, iodine and vitamins of the B and C complex. In addition, it is rich in chlorophyll and is therefore its beneficial consumption for health.

The scientific name of this seaweed is Chlorella vulgaris and is indicated to improve and stimulate the immune system, to reduce weight and to fight several gastrointestinal problems and degenerative diseases, besides being indicated for vegetarian and vegan people due to its nutritional properties.

Chlorella can be purchased at health food stores, some drugstores or online.

Benefits of Chlorella

Chlorella consumption provides several health benefits, such as:

  1. It favors muscle mass gain, since 60% of this algae is made up of proteins and contains BCAA; Prevents anemia and cramps, as it is rich in vitamin B12, iron, vitamin C and chlorophyll, which favors the production of red blood cells in the blood; Improves skin and hair, as it is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, stimulating collagen production and preventing the appearance of wrinkles; Inflammation reduction, as it contains omega-3; Detoxification of the body, as it helps to eliminate heavy metals from the body; LDL cholesterol reduction, as it contains niacin, fibers and antioxidants, inhibiting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the artery; Stimulation of the immune system, as it is rich in beta-glucans, which act as antioxidants, in addition to being related to anti-tumor and anticancer effects; Control of high blood pressure, as it contains nutrients such as arginine, calcium, potassium and omega-3, which help to relax blood vessels. It helps to control blood sugar and improve insulin resistance in people who have fatty liver.

In addition, chlorella is considered one of the biggest sources of chlorophyll, which is a substance that provides some health benefits, such as healing wounds, ulcers and hemorrhoids, regulating menstruation and improving diabetes and asthma.

Chlorella also produces a molecule called lutein, which helps prevent and treat macular degeneration, as it has anti-cataract properties.

It is important to remember that the benefits of chlorella are only obtained when this seaweed is consumed as a supplement, as fresh seaweed is not digested by the intestine.

Nutritional information

The nutritional information of chlorella varies from one supplement to another, as it depends on the type of seaweed and how it was grown, however, in general the values ​​are as follows:

Components Quantity in 100 g of Chlorella
Energy 326 calories
Carbohydrates 17 g
Lipids 12 g
Fiber 12 g
Proteins 58 g
Vitamin A 135 mg
Carotenoids 857 mg
D vitamin 600 µg
Vitamin E 8.9 mg
Vitamin K1 22.1 µg
Vitamin B2 3.1 µg
Vitamin B3 59 mg
Folic acid 2300 µg
B12 vitamin 50 µg
Biotin 100 µg
Potassium 671.1 mg
Calcium 48.49 mg
Phosphor 1200 mg
Magnesium 10.41 mg
Iron 101.3 mg
Selenium 36 µg
Iodine 1000 µg
Chlorophyll 2580 mg

Also know another alga with excellent health properties, spirulina.

How to consume

Chlorella can be consumed in the form of tablets, capsules or powder, however there is no recommended daily dose, however it is recommended that its consumption be between 6 and 10 g per day.

When in powder form, chlorella can be added in natural juices, water or shakes. When in capsules, if it is to reduce weight, you should take between 1 and 2 capsules a day with the meal, however it is important to read the food label and the manufacturer's instructions. In addition, it is important that the consumption of chlorella is accompanied by a low-calorie diet and physical activity.

Side effects

The consumption of chlorella at the recommended dose can cause a change in the color of the stools, which turn greenish, due to the amount of chlorophyll that the algae has. However, this effect has no health consequences.

When consumed in excess, chlorella can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, itching and skin rashes.


There are no known contraindications for chlorella, however, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children or people with compromised immune systems should consult a nutritionist before starting chlorella intake.

Benefits of chlorella