- 1. Infections
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Trichomoniasis
- Candidiasis
- Cytolytic vaginosis
- 2. Allergies
- 3. Changes in the skin
- How to prevent vaginitis
Vaginitis, or vulvovaginitis, are inflammations in the woman's intimate region, caused by infections, changes in the region's skin, resulting from menopause or pregnancy, and also by allergies to products or clothing.
Many day-to-day situations increase the risk of having vaginitis, such as wearing tight pants, the very frequent use of tampons and poor hygiene in the region, and therefore avoiding these habits can help to ward off this type of inflammation.
The main causes of vulvovaginitis are:
1. Infections
Infections are the main causes of inflammation and vaginal discharge, and are common in women who have multiple partners, who have used antibiotics, who have poor hygiene conditions or who have been in hospital for a long time. The most common are:
Bacterial vaginosis
It is caused by bacteria such as the one that can multiply inside the vagina, mainly after sexual intercourse, menstrual period and causes yellowish discharge and bad odor in the region.
- How to treat: with antibiotics in pill and vaginal ointments, such as Metronidazole or Clindamycin, prescribed by the gynecologist.
It is an infection caused by the parasite, which is transmitted through unprotected intimate relationships. With this infection, the woman has intense smelly, yellowish-green and bullous discharge, as well as irritation of the vagina with burning and itching.
- How to treat: with antibiotic pills, such as Metronidazole or Tinidazole, prescribed by the gynecologist, and the partner must also receive treatment, to avoid new infections;
It is a fungal infection, usually candida sp ., Which causes a lumpy white discharge in the woman, a lot of itching and redness in the vaginal area, in addition to the frequent urge to urinate. It is more common in women who have low immunity due to stress, use of medications such as corticosteroids or antibiotics, diabetes and HIV infection.
- How to treat: with antifungals in vaginal ointments or tablets, such as Nystatin or Fluconazole, prescribed by the gynecologist.
Cytolytic vaginosis
It is a rarer cause of vaginitis, which causes symptoms very similar to candidiasis, and it is important to be investigated when the woman has constant itching, burning and white discharge, which come and go, but which do not improve with the treatment for candidiasis. It is caused by the proliferation of lactobacillus bacteria, which produces excess acid and causes irritation in the vagina.
- How to treat: Sodium bicarbonate eggs, intravaginal, are used 3 times a week or sitz baths with sodium bicarbonate in the dilution of a tablespoon in 600 ml of water, twice a day.
In the presence of these symptoms, care should be sought with a gynecologist to perform the physical examination, for correct diagnosis and indicate the ideal treatment for each case.
2. Allergies
An allergic reaction to a product that is in contact with the intimate region can also cause inflammation. Some examples are:
- Medicines; Intimate cosmetics or perfumed soaps; Condom latex; Panties synthetic fabrics; Colored or perfumed toilet paper; Clothing softeners.
This inflammation causes symptoms such as itching, burning and redness, which can be very uncomfortable and repeat several times until the cause is identified. Treatment is done by avoiding the type of material that causes the allergy, in addition to ointment or pills based on corticosteroids and antiallergic drugs, prescribed by the gynecologist, to relieve symptoms.
3. Changes in the skin
Some situations can make the skin of the vagina thinner and more sensitive, such as during menopause, in the postpartum period, breastfeeding or when undergoing treatment with radio or chemotherapy. In these cases, called atrophic vaginitis, the woman may have a yellowish and smelly discharge, as well as irritation in the area, dryness, burning and pain during the intimate relationship. Treatment can be done with the use of intimate lubricants, or hormone replacement, which will be indicated by the gynecologist.
In addition, pregnancy also causes changes in the tissue that forms the vagina, due to hormonal fluctuations typical of the period, which can cause yellowish discharge and predisposition to infections, especially candidiasis. When a pregnant woman has any of these symptoms, she should communicate to the obstetrician as soon as possible, to investigate whether there is an infection for treatment and follow-up.
How to prevent vaginitis
To avoid this type of inflammation, a woman must take some precautions, such as:
- Avoid wearing tight pants on hot days; Sleeping in light clothes or without panties; Do not use tampons for many hours in a row; Do not shower vaginally; Avoid using antibiotics unnecessarily; Do not have unprotected intimate relationships.
Here are some more tips on how to do intimate hygiene and avoid illness.
The use of condoms is also important to avoid several types of sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, HPV and syphilis, which cause many complications and risk of death. Find out more about these diseases and how to prevent them.