Home Home-Remedies 3 Home remedies for osteoarthritis

3 Home remedies for osteoarthritis


Some home remedies, prepared at home with natural plants that are easy to find, are an excellent economical option to complete the treatment of arthrosis. Generally, they are able to decrease inflammation in the joint, enhancing the effect of the medications prescribed by the doctor and relieving the pain even more.

Thus, these drugs should not be used as a substitute for the treatment indicated by the doctor, but they are very recommended because they can relieve the pain even more or prevent it from recurring. Whenever this type of natural remedy is used, it is important to inform the doctor so that he can assess the need to adjust the dose of the drugs.

1. Rosemary tea

Rosemary has properties that help in the restoration of the joint, being a great complement to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and greatly relieving the symptoms of rheumatism.


  • 1 teaspoon of green or dried rosemary leaves 250 ml of boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the rosemary leaves in a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink the tea while still warm, repeating 2 to 4 times a day.

2. Willow and ulmaria tea

Willow and ulmaria has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help relieve the pain of various joint problems, such as osteoarthritis, arthritis or gout. In addition, as the ulmaria helps to slightly lower body temperature, the effect can be felt for a longer time.


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Method of preparation

Put all the ingredients in a pan and boil for approximately 5 minutes. Cover, let cool and, when it is warm, strain and drink next. It is recommended to drink 1 cup in the morning and another in the evening.

In addition to taking these home remedies daily, you can also do a small massage on the affected joint, using warm sweet almond oil.

3. Linseed compress

Another great home treatment option for pain relief is to use a flaxseed compress.


  • 1 cup of flaxseed 1 foot or a baby pillowcase

Method of preparation

The solution is to place the flaxseeds inside the sock or pillowcase and tie it with a knot or sew. Just heat up in the microwave for about 2 minutes and then place it still warm on the joint with arthrosis.

Watch the video below on how to make this compress using rice or other dry seeds:

3 Home remedies for osteoarthritis