Home Symptoms India nut: lose weight or is it bad?

India nut: lose weight or is it bad?


It is popularly believed that India nut is good for weight loss because it is a potent diuretic and laxative, which reduces measures in a few days. However, India Nut is the fruit of an exotic tree that should not be consumed because it is toxic, putting a person's life at risk. This fruit is rounded and when ripe it is beige, whitish in color, and has already been marketed for weight loss, although without Anvisa registration due to lack of scientific proof of its effectiveness and safety.

The tree that produces the Indian nut is the walnut, also known as the Caucasian nut, European nut, Nogueira-de-Iguape, Nogueira-do-Litoral, which is present in the south of Brazil and in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and India, Argentina and Paraguay. Its scientific name is Aleurites moluccana, of the Euphorbiaceae family.

Does India nut lose weight?

Guinea nut causes severe colic and diarrhea that leads to dehydration and changes in blood electrolytes, compromising the functioning of the kidneys and the heart and therefore is not recommended for consumption and is harmful to health. Its use is not recommended in natura, in the form of tea or capsules.

Although some products were marketed in the form of capsules or tablets, and the fruit itself was found for sale as a natural product to lose weight and burn fat, its use was not legalized and dangerous for health. India nut is very similar to another fruit called napoleon hat, which is equally toxic, the scientific name of this is Thevetia peruviana . The napoleon hat causes cardiac changes that can lead to death and therefore cannot be consumed.

In February 2017, Anvisa banned the use and sale of all products containing Indian nut and Napoleon hat.

Side effects of horse nut

India nut is toxic because it contains saponins, such as toxalbumin, and phorbol which are substances that are unfit for consumption. The side effects that arise after the consumption of the guinea nut are actually the signs of liver poisoning. Are they:

  • Nausea, and vomiting; Strong abdominal colic; Diarrhea; Deep eyes; Dry mouth; Very thirsty; Irritation and redness in the lips and mouth due to chewing of the fruit; Dilated pupils; Pressure drop; Fainting; Rapid heartbeat; Difficulty breathing; Fever; Slowness in movement; Leg cramps; Tingling sensation and altered sensitivity; Headache and general malaise; Disorientation in time and space, not knowing who it is, what day of the week it is or where it is.

These symptoms can appear about 20 minutes after the consumption of the Indian nut and they can appear even when consuming only 1 fruit and therefore its consumption is contraindicated.

How is the treatment for poisoning

In case of intoxication after the consumption of the Indian nut, treatment at the hospital is essential and may include admission to the Intensive Care Center. Because it affects the liver, it can cause fulminant hepatitis and may even require a liver transplant.

India nut: lose weight or is it bad?